Chapter 3 Three People

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welll hello how do you like this book so far from herr on out its gonna be more interesting


--------Jake's pov--------

I haven't seen hibari so shocked well I was also shocked but not more than him. what we saw after the creature told us to follow him


"k.keep f.following" the creature told

After a few minutes walk we came to a stop. the place was covered with ice and there were the same lights as back there blue and white and what we saw there was out of the world . At the end there were huge ice and in the ice there were people 3 to be exact and so e broken pieces of wood they had fear on their faces at the bottom he was at least an inch or two from the ground he had silver or white hair I can't tell he was wearing those old type cloths we could see his face he had a scar near his eye he seems to be 6' or something . Then there was the guy at the very top he had black hair and wore everything black like a Butler we could see his face too he was very scared this mouth open and hand extended he seem to be 5'11 or something. Then there was the last guy in the middle he was short compared to the other two , he wore brown and white his hair was brown we could not see his face but there were frozen tears his one hand extended for the guy at the top and the other was near his heart . Then there was wood near them lkke yhey were in a wreck or something and in the middle of ice there was a hole like thing.

The creature neared the hole and traced it with his finger and said "this goes there" the creature looked and hibari and said

"w.w h.h I.I" hibari was speechless well as if I wasn't

"will you take them for me its been years in search of thjs bracelet to free them from this hell we since you found it will you do it"

The creature turned this gaze back at them

"can I get some time alone" with that hibari and I walked outside the cave it was dark

---------------END OF FLASHBACK-------------

"what are you going to do hibari" I was curious to know

"hey jake when are we going back" hibari asked

"well tomorrow morning around 8:00 or 9:00 why?" I said

"hmmmmm" thats all seriously

"hey jake would head to the camp I have something tl say to frost"

"okay I will see you there" I got up and left what can I do but I trust him.

--------------hibari's pov-----------

What I saw was beyond my imagination I should feel sorry for them but my heart was beating really fast well not for the two guys but for the one in the middle I wonder why , well lets get going

"hey frost......"

After the talk with frost hibari walked up tk the camp

------------Early Morning 6:00-----------

"hey jake get up" I poked

"hmmmm 5 more minutes" he said shoing his fingers

"hmm well of you dont get up the snake beside you will bite you" I said with a poker face

"waaaaaah where is the snake" jake woke up shocked

"aaaahhhhhahahahaha" I laughed

"that's not funny"

"come on lets go"

"ha where"

"just come"

-----------In the cave---------

"so you plan to free them" jake wispered

I ignored

" frost" I shouted

"In here"

well now he can talk properly.

we went where he was near the ice.

"are you ready" he asked

I nodded and jake seem so confused.

I took a deep breath and held the bracelet near the hole and took another breath and inserted it . I stood for something to happen but nothing happen.

"hey frost nothing happen" I turned to frost

"just wait" with those word said it started to rumble/shake the ice started to melt from the top I moved back.

the wood pieces started to slide down with the water then the mans shoe started to show then his leg then his waist me and jake were ready to catch him his chest started to show then his face at last his hands when he slided I took the towel from my bag and rapped him in it (tooo ly to write how the bag got there) and have him to jake to take care of him . This time it was him the ice was meting but this time there were big pieces of wood slowly his body parts started to show before he could fall I caught him and rapped the towel around him I aaw there was lot lf time for the last one. So I got distracted by the one in my hand he was so small he fit perfectly knto my arms . I moved his hair frlm his face my heart stopped there and then. He was so beautiful his skin so pale (well that's because he was trapped in ice) lips pink he surpassed all yhe hot girls. I forgot about the last guy so jake took care of it. Then all of a sudden the guy at the top started to cough me and jake left what we were doing and went to see him breathing slowly.

"hey do you think he will wake up now" jake said shaking me

"I don't know is it even possible to breath so easily God's know how long they have been in ice" I said

"it is if the spirit is strong then they will breath the moment they are released" frost said

then we heard another cough we turned to see the guy with the scar breathing.

"hibari lets hurry they will wake up any minute" jake said packing the things up

"yeah lets. Hey frost where is that thing I asked you for"

"yeah its here" frost went out and brought a cart

Me and jake took the guys and slowly kept them in the cart two huge guys at the side and the shorter one in the middle and kept our bags with them

"well frost take care bye"

"wait take this" he handed me the bracelet "give it to him when he wakes up"

"okay bye"

--------Hours of walk to the camp------

"Now how are we going to take them the bus is full" jake said exhausted

"ha who said we are going by bus"

"so how are we going to go by walking"

"No look over there thats how we are going to go" hibari said pointing

"oh when did your beauty arive lets go" they started to put the three in the back seat

"okay done lets go" jake said jumping

----------After hours of riding--------

"hmmmmm" jake and hibari looked back

"looks like they are waking up"

so how do you lkke the story sorry for the delay had stuff to do will try to update ln time oh and lkme and comment and can tell me what do you want the next part to be like welll any ways I started to write my 2nd book its the deep sea its sasunaru plz go check it

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