Chapter - 5

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Sup I got some free time so ima gonna update and guys im writing a new boom called twisted world well I havent writen anything yet so plz go check it out

Chapter - 5

"Okay there are going to be some rules" hibari said

"Im sorry but we are royal so we dont follow rules you have to follow us" steve said

"Its ok steve hibari-san saved us so we have to listen to him" tsuna gave a small smile

'Ah your highness' steve faked a cry while thinking

"The first rule is you have to act friendly with the neighbours why because I dont want them backbiting me it always get on my nerves" hibari said sighing

"The second rule is dont mess the house I like it clean and the third dont call me sama everyone will misunderstand got it any objections" hibari looked at everyone

"Ok then tsuna you will be sleeping in my room and stones and steve will take the room at the end of the hall" hibari said will pointing

Tsuna blushed when he heard they will be sharing a room together while stones thought of all the naughty things he could do to steve who was blushing like crazy

(The door bell goes off)

Hibari goes to check who is it

"Hey hibari" jake screamed

"Im not deaf I can hear you clearly fine" hibari said while rubbing his ear

"Come on in"

"Hey how are you all" jake said while hugging everyone

"Ummm im good" tsuna shuddered

"Aww you are so cute" jake cooed

"Ok stop with the joke come on help me" hibari started pulling jake

Tsuna's face fell when he saw how close they were and fell jealous of jake for being so close to hibari

"Prince tsuna are you ok do you have a fever" steve wispered in Tsuna's ear

Tsuna shook his head while saying no " but I do feel a bit dizzy" after saying this he fell

"Prince tsuna" steve screamed

Upon hearing this hibari stones and jake came running

"Whats wrong what happen" when everyone saw tsuna lying on the floor

Hibari quickly picked tsuna up and headed upstairs to their room

"Steve get me a cold water in atub and a clean cloth he has a fever jake call the doctor and stones help me with his colths" hibari ordered

"Here is your water and clean cloth" steve came running inside

"Good now help me" they positioned them selves

" Hibari I called the doctor he will be here any minute now" jake told hibari

-----------some time passed after the doctor came and checked up on tsuna-----------
----------bed room--------


"Hey your up" hibari said while cleaning tsuna's sweat

"What happen" tsuna asked

"Oh you had a high fever and you fainted but dont worry your ok now the doctor came and checked up on you" hibari smiled "you got all of us worried"

"Im sorry for worrying you" tsuna made a crying face

"Hey dont be sorry about it its normal to fall ill so you are no exception" hibari tried to call tsuna but he broke down into tears

"Im sorry im sorry" he kept on chanting

"What wrong I told you its not your fault" hibari hugged tsuna

After some time tsuna calmed down (still hugging hibari)

"Well you see I was not allowed to fall ill if I did they would beat me up they blamed me for everything I always thought why was I born this way why cant I make my family happy......." tsuna tighten his grip on hibari's shirt

"T.t.they always told me to go and die but I always kept it to my self even though everyone knew what was happening with me they kept there distance I always kept waiting hoping praying that one day everything would cahnge they would all love me for who I am for the real me but that day never came" tsuna started to cry


"Then we have something in common" chuckled hibari

Tsuna looked up to see what he's talking about

"Well you see I was just like you my family hated me because I was a child born from an affair but they kept me non the less so they could torture me like they did to mom I prayed for everything to  change and it did for good one day" hibari took a breath and continued

"That day was like no other I came from school and I noticed that yhe house was really quite so I began to check every room for any sign of any living being as I opened my parents door I was shocked there lay my mom staring at me upside down her inside torn apart and her major organ spread like decoration and there was my father smiling at his master piece hahahah" tsuna looked confused at why was he smiling

"Hahaha if I hadn't dumped into that vase then I could have escaped and called the police" tsuna kept quite and listened to hibari's heart beat

"I knew that the vase was behind me but I bumped into it and it fell my father looked at me with eyes that held love love to kill I got so scared I started to run I ran to the main door but it was locked then it came to me that my dad has a device that can lock all the door and windows if he want then he started to come down while humming covered in blood and a satisfied smile on his face" hibari started to cry

"I ran and ran and when I came across my grandmoms room I though of hiding in there when I opened the door I was shocked her whole room was covered in blood and her head was chopped and placed on the bed and her body was used as a sex toy" hibari griped tsuna really tightly


"Hahaha ah" a small boy keot on running from the monster who was chasing him while humming

"Grandmom she got to be alive" the small boy ran to his grandmoms room

"Granny open up dad something is wrong with him granny open up" the boy kept on banging when he decided to open the door

The was shocked and stood there frozen on what he saw a women was beheaded and he body was tied and various thing were inserted into her body and the walls were covered in her blood

He didnt notice that monster was behind him

"Ah isn't it a master piece" the monster spoke while looking inside the room

The boy tensed and was scared to turn around

The monster hit the boy on the head who fell unconscious

"Haha where am I" the boy tried to get up but failed as he was tied on a table in his basement

"Oh my boy your awake" the monster chuckled

"No please dad let me go please I wont tell anyone about this please I promise" the boy started to cry

"Oh I know you wont tell anyone about this but you see iwant to make a masterpiece out of you" the monster known as dad neared the boy and started to undress the boy

"No dad please dont" even after all these please the monster ignored the boy and continued to undress

"Hmmm what should we do with you" he went to a box and started to search

"No please dont"

"Ah this will do just fine dont you think so" the monster grinned evilly

So what do you think about the story so far om you know the drill comment like follow andread my other stories too

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