10 Facts About Myself

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Got tagged by @im_trying_k to write ten facts about myself.

1. I hate the first few one-shots in my Stevebucky book.

2. I'm bi.

3. Annabeth Chase will always be my favorite character of all time.

4. Finn from Star Wars is an extremely close second.

5. I am on a plane at the time of writing this.

6. I've wanted to be an author since I was a little kid.

7. I also draw and make video edits.

8. Everyone needs to drop whatever they're doing right now and see Into the Spider-Verse. Don't pirate it. Give them your money. They deserve it.

9. I've really been here for 5 years. Wow. I haven't read a book on here in so long, though, I really only use it to write.

10. Samsteve and Sambucky are just as valid as Stevebucky yall are just cowards.

10b. Justin Hammer is the first canon gay MCU character.

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