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Wednesday 11:12 AM

me: hi namfriend

namfriend: aw hi hyejin

me: the fan signing is tomorrow

me: i can't wait

namfriend: awww

namfriend: i'm sure they are excited to meet you too

me: they don't know me

me: but it's okay uwu

me: so whatcha doin

namfriend: ah, i'm writing

me: oh, i'm sorry

namfriend: why are you sorry

me: because writing is not fun

namfriend: ah, i like writing

me: ooh ehehe

me: what else do you like doing?

namfriend: what do you like doing?

me: i like looking at ducks and turtles

me: and frogs

namfriend: i like crabs

me: i don't like the big crabs

me: the tiny ones are cute


me: it's sO precious

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me: it's sO precious

namfriend: what else do you like?

me: i like saving the ocean

me: 😤

namfriend: aha so cute

me: what do you like

namfriend: i like reading

me: readiNG?

me: what do you read

me: let me guess

me: the introduction to molecular science

namfriend: what nooooo

me: i was just kidding ehehe

namfriend: instead, i read the introduction to the physics of everything

me: omg

me: i'm disappointed

me: i thought you were nambae

me: turns out, you're just namfam

namfriend: hahahaha

namfriend: i was just kidding

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