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Tuesday 2:32 PM

namfriend: hey hyejin

me: hi namfriend! :)

namfriend: how are you?

me: i'm managing

me: but hey!

me: i passed my first quiz in calc!!

namfriend: you did?

namfriend: i'm so happy for you

me: hehe

me: thank you

me: but it's because you helped me a lot

namfriend: did i?

namfriend: i don't think i did

me: stop these lies

me: you can get arrested for lying

namfriend: oh yeah?

namfriend: by who?

me: the police

me: the hyejin private police force

me: with only one officer in the whole unit, me

namfriend: in that case, take me away

me: nooOo

me: you're suppose to say no

me: 😡

namfriend: i see you've become even more cuter


namfriend: that's so cute

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namfriend: that's so cute

me: no! take it seriously

me: 😡🤬

namfriend: no don't do that

namfriend: it makes you even cuter

me: >:(

namfriend: aw alright, alright

namfriend: i'll stop for now

namfriend: what have you been up to?

me: i've been watching videos hehe

namfriend: what kind of videos

me: 2 minutes of namjoon getting his handshake rejected

namfriend: has it really happened that many times?

namfriend: that's so sad

me: i would shake his hand

me: :(

namfriend: who wouldn't want to shake hands with someone as cute as you

me: you sAid you'll stooOoopp

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