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Avery's P.O.V.
August of Freshman Year

As I pulled into North Dakota State University, I got another play-by-play from Ethan telling me everything he's done the last few hours I've been gone. He just told me that our dog, Briggs, figured out I was gone for good because he jumped up on my bed and kept whining.

"He's going to be so lost without me," I said laughing as I pulled into a parking spot.

I opened my car door and got some of my bags out of the car. As soon as I closed it, there was a girl standing right in front of me.

"Hey. Did you not see me? Yeah, when you were on your fucking phone. You almost hi- wow you are gorgeous." I was a little weirded out, but also I am a sucker for compliments. Honestly, I didn't notice anyone, but then again, I was on my phone. I'm pretty fucking stupid.

"Ehhh thanks." I put my hands on my elbows and shrugged my shoulders. Maybe it was because I felt uncomfortable, or maybe it was because I was in a completely new environment living wise, but I have never been that shy before.

"Umm so. You're a freshman right?  I am too. I have no idea anyone here except my brother. Beware, he's an asshole, yet all the girls love him. Please don't be that girl. Actually we just met so I don't know if you're like them or not or what you even are because nobody is that gorgeous." She paused for a minute.

"Wait, I don't even know your name. I'm Livey Anders." She stuck out her hand for me to shake and I think that she was panting with how fast she was talking.

"Hi, I'm Avery." I giggled and got some more stuff out of the car, expecting her to walk away. She didn't.

"Do you have a boyfriend because you're giving me mixed emotions. You're not wearing makeup, but you're wearing really cute shorts and a top to match it." Livey grabbed a bag out of my car and shut the door behind me.

"I'm single and not really looking. They come when they come I guess." I said, now moving my way towards the building. Damn it, I shouldn't have parked so far away.

"Oh, I get it. Tough break up." She said, moving along with me. She was just a little farther behind me because of my head start.

How did she know?

"I think it was a while ago because you've already passed the stage of sweatpants, sweatshirt, and no makeup. I know. It's crazy how I know everything. It's like a sixth-sense. It's really a blessing and a curse because it's impossible to have a boyfriend. Like you notice everything.. one time, I broke up with a boy because he chewed too loud. You might think it's petty, but he was one more chip away from making me put myself in the loony bin." She's walking right next to me now. I don't mind Livey. I actually kind of like her.

"Well since your psychic or something, I'll tell you why I don't wear makeup anymore. Me and my boyfriend.. ex- boyfriend I should say,well, he was a stud at sports but was also a douche. He had three other girlfriends and he would blow me off all the time. My best friend, Ethan confronted him about cheating because my ex was just acting really strange. Ethan found out the truth from my ex, but I wouldn't hear it. I didn't believe he would cheat on me until I found my ex boyfriend making out with a girl in the library. When I talked to Ethan about it, I could tell that he already knew what had happened. I felt so betrayed by one of the most important person to me. I cried off all my makeup before first period, I put some more on, and by third period, it was all gone or stained on my cheeks. I couldn't go to the bathroom, so I had to sit in class with stained cheeks and puffy eyes. Everyone knew me in the high school as the naive girl who trusted her cheating boyfriend who was shit."

She nodded her head and huffed some words under her breath like, "I wasn't expecting that one." I quickly changed the subject to make it less awkwardness.

"So do you want to come register with me or do we want to complain about some douche ex boyfriend?" She asked.

"We can register together with no talk about shitty boys. I promise." There was a long pause of silence, which really surprised me. I mean, two minutes ago, this girl wouldn't shut up. I decided that it would be a good idea to start up a conversation and make sure she wasn't a psychopath. "So you said you had a brother here?"

"I thought you said that we wouldn't talk about douche boys but whatever. He's my twin brother and I'm older by a few minutes and-"

Eventually, I tuned her out. She hooked her arm in mine and kept blabbing about her brother, which made me wonder what he looked like. I got the urge to meet him. I don't think he could be that much of a douche since he was twins with Livey. She seems like a sweetheart.. but a sweetheart with no filter.

I snapped out of my trance when Livey started talking about makeup again.

"You know, I could do your makeup if you wanted me to. I'm pretty good at it if you can't tell." Livey said, sliding her hair from her shoulder to her back. "I mean you are pretty. Like naturally beautiful, but you have no idea how beautiful you are with a little bit of makeup."

We were almost to the front of the building. She was getting a little annoying.

"Okay, I get it. Makeup equals happy you and prettier me. I can do my makeup just fine, it's just I don't see the point if I'm not trying to impress anyone. I'm fine without makeup and makeup gets annoying anyway."

We were ten feet from the door. When I opened it, I naturally turned to the left, then I turned to the right out of habit.. probably from driving.

It was the first day of a new beginning, and I knew I was screwed for the rest of my four years here.

My face turned bright red, I could feel the heat creep up at the back of my neck. I tried to turn around or simply move but I was busy trying to process what I just saw. And what I saw.. I just saw the most handsome guy I've ever met eyes with before.

I turned towards Livey and whispered in her ear. "Yeah, I change my mind. You should do my makeup."
Hey readers! I know the beginning of books aren't great, but I promise it gets better. Bare with it.
Until next time!

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