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Avery's P.O.V.
August of Freshman Year

I stood frozen with my mouth in the shape of an O. How could someone be so.. gorgeous and live in the state of North Dakota.. how could someone so gorgeous be in North Dakota. I felt a tug on my arm but I couldn't stop looking.

I could barely hear what she was saying but I got some of the words. I heard Livey say, "Come on, Avery. . . Damn it. . . This happens every time."

The man was not wearing a shirt. He was talking to his friends and some girls. He ran his fingers through his hair as he chuckled. I saw him look over in my direction, but I couldn't stop  looking. He started walking over here; he still had his fingers in his hair and was still smiling. He walked past us and said something to Livey. I think he said, "What can I say? Chicks dig me," but I was still in a bit of a trance. I completely got out of the trance after Livey slapped him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Can you please have less of an ego? Maybe have it be the size of your small tic tac dick?" Livey was furious, but it was only more funny to her brother.

He started laughing again, earning another hit from his sister.

"I swear to God I will knock some sense into you, you fucking player. Mom can't do shit about me slapping you now," Livey said, slapping him on the stomach this time.

"Cool it, Chachi. I'm not doing anything wrong... yet. Oh don't don't try to be Mom. I'm living the good life now. Don't blow it."

Her brother turned away with a wink before Livey could say- or slap- anything. She was still upset, but you can tell that she had calmed down a bit.

"Was that-" I asked, stuttering my words.

"The ass of a brother that all the girls stumble over? Yes, I know. We have the same blood. He isn't bad looking, but why would you want a scum bag instead of a sensitive guy?It makes no sense." Livey threw her hands in the air, and she did have a point, but something about that kid made me want to go back a few minutes ago and relive the moment. Not the slapping part, but seeing him with his fingers through his hair and laughing.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I said while we started our way to register. I couldn't help turning back to see if I could get a glimpse of Livey's hot brother.. whatever his name is.

"Okay we're almost to registration and you haven't said a word. My sixth sense is telling me you either like my brother, or thinks he's attractive, or both." She did bother to talk, but she did not bother to look at me. "Well it isn't as much as my sixth sense as it is noticing you've been watching your back ever since you saw him," Livey said, finally looking up at me, but she had concerned, furrowed eyebrows looking at me.

"Any person would think that that person is attractive. It's just human nature, but there's a fine line between attractive and liking and I don't like guys that are dicks." I tried to believe what I just said, but if we're honest here, I couldn't get him out of my head.

"Well good-" Livey started talking but was interrupted by an old, cranky lady that clearly hates her job.

"Name?" The old lady asked.

"Hi, umm I'm Livey Anders." Livey said, turning to me and giving me the, 'omg. She obviously hates her life and lives with twenty cats' look.

I giggled and waited until the old lady called next.

"Room 236 for Olivia Anders. Next!"

Livey smiled and whispered in my ear, "I hope you get room 236 too."

"Avery Wilson."

"Room 239. Next!"

"We're really close, Avery!" She said, running down the hallway. She was running fast enough to the point where I lost her. I found her when she ran into someone. I heard her apologizing and I found her. I reached her when we both realized it was her brother.

"Holy shit, I already passed my room. Wait, why are you going into Avery's room? Are you hooking up with Avery's roommate?"

"Avery? Oh you mean shy girl? Well no. For the record, I'm not hooking up with her right now. That's night time business. Room 239 is my room, why?" He says, putting the key in the slot and pushed the door open, which surprised both of us.

"Well looks like I found your new roommate, Avery," Livey said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Fuck me." I mumbled under my breath, earning two very different looks between the siblings. "Not actually." And with that, Livey's brother was gone.

"Why in the fuck would they put me with a boy. . . A hot fuckboy. Oh no. I'm going to have to listen to him.. doing stuff to girls." I said, pacing in Livey's dorm.

"I know right.. it's fucking bullshit and a pregnancy waiting to happen. Wait, do you think it's because your name is Avery? Like, dudes are named Avery all the time and that old lady reallly seemed to hate her job so they probably didn't give a shit when putting people together."

"Oh my god. You're right." I stopped pacing and sat with Livey on her bed. " I was named after my fucking grandpa. My mom and dad thought I was going to be a boy and they already picked out the name Avery. My dad was gone before I was born and my uncle gave the name to the doctor because my mom was not in a good condition after I was born."

"Oh shit. That's one hell of a story. I'm sorry to hear about that. How's your mom doing now?" Livey asked.

"Umm she died a few years back. She got cancer when she was pregnant with me, but decided to have me instead of treat her cancer. After my dad found out about the cancer, he was gone. I don't know my dad at all, but I don't think I'd want to." I felt Livey's hand reach mine and I watched a tear stream down her face.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Your mom sounds like a beautiful woman. Your dad can burn in hell."

I let out a soft laugh and wiped a tear from my cheek. "Yeah, he makes my roommate seem like a fucking saint.. whatever his name is."

"Andrew. His name is Andrew. I'm so hard on him because I know he's a softy. He just got hurt a few times and nothing seems to work better than slapping some sense into him." There was a long pause in the room as both of us quietly wiped tears from our cheeks. Eventually Livey said, "Let's not talk about boys that are mean. What's your favorite show?"

I replied with Friends. Livey popped in Friends and we watched it in silence. Eventually, I decided it was time to unpack.

I got up off of Livey's bed and dragged all my bags into my new room. When I opened the door, I saw Andrew with a headset on without a shirt -shocker- playing video games. He glanced over once, said 'sup,' and continued playing his games.

I awkwardly close the door behind me.

Home, sweet home.
Done with chapter 3! I hope you guys like it! Please don't be afraid to tell me what you think!
Till next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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