Chapter One

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            Today is the day, today, it's today. I can't remember when the last time I ever dressed this properly. If your wondering what I am talking about, here let me explain. I, Adam Powell, a homeless nobody from England, United Kingdom. I moved here in Alabama, United states when I was just 6. I was kicked out of my home by my biological family three years ago for being such a nobody in there eyes. I have been in many foster homes in the past 2 years but they just weren't good enough, so I ran away. That led me here in a small yet big town. It has lots of land for farming and the town is almost just as dirty as it is out in the valleys. People really don't seem to mind it. I, in the other hand, do, I was raised mainly in big cities, before I came to Alabama. I lived in New York City, Before that, California LA. Yes, I know I was suppose to explain why I am getting dressed properly for the first time in forever. I have gotten a job, not a big money job, no, just a job at a small cafe near the middle of the town. I'm very grateful because its better then nothing. The cafe is owned by an old man named Wallis Reed. He is a strange man I hear, though I've never met him, But I will here in just a few minutes. You may ask, where did you get nice clothes, well actually, when I say proper , Its more like a plain black shirt, Blue jeans,that I haven't worn much so they're not that bad, I'm also wearing a Maroon hoodie and black run-out sneakers, my only shoes. My jet black hair is combed back and sunglasses covering my bright blue eyes. I'm actually not that bad looking, if I say so myself. 

         Alright, I think I'm ready. I take a deep breath and let it out. 

"Alright Adam you can do this,  just be nice and calm, everything will be just fine." I say to myself to hopefully get rid of the butterflies in my stomach. I really do not want to blow this off. This can be my one chance to make a living change. 

    I pick my blue and black backpack up and start walking down the side walk. I was currently looking at myself in the window of a closed workshop down by an alleyway where I call home. It's just a fifteen minute walk to the cafe. I'm supposed to be there in 20 minutes, and I left early so I can be there on time and because of the walking distance between me and the cafe. 

      It wasn't Hard to spot really. A Small sized building with big lit up windows and a sign that says Wallis Grand Cafe.  I made my way across the street just as there was no cars coming. I walk to the doors and swing one open. Once I step inside I am greeted with few people. As I walk, I take a good look. The place don't look to bad, It had about five or six small round tables with only four chairs each. The black wooden floor tiles and walls with the floor a bit lighter in color. The their was a bar table with tall chairs and  a cashier stand behind the cash register. I must say the cashier is attractive.She looked pretty young about my age, But she could be older. she had dark brown hair up in a messy bun and hazel eyes, which suit her very well. On her name tag in bold letters said, Kaylee.  I look away the minute her eyes look into mine.

  "Can I help You?"I heard a voice say, I look up and replied"Um, yes I am here for work, I was hired by Mr. Wallis Reed." My accent clearly visible even when I try to hide it, I am no longer proud of where I come from because of my past.

    "Oh, you must be Adam White, I was informed that you would start work today, I'm Kaylee." she says then smiles a quite beautiful smile. 

 "Uh yeah," 

  "Here" she says as she walks over to a door and opens up, she pulls out an apron and tosses it over to me. "Thanks" I say and put the head string around my head then tie the others around my waist. 

"Mr. reed went to town, he is on brake." I heard Kaylee say from another room in the back. 

"Oh okay." I replied

The day went by pretty quick. Kaylee gave me my first task as cashier while she was on break. before she left she showed me how to work it and beings that I've been to cafe's before I already know the rest of what a cashier does. When Kaylee got back she gave me 10 dollars, which I found strange, my payment isn't until three weeks.

"You did a lot better on your first day working the cash register then any other hire this cafe ever had." She said as she got her things together. 

I would give the money back, if it weren't for the fact I'm completely broke and running low on food.

 "Thank you Kaylee, I'll be sure to spend it wisely." Which is true, food, I really need it. 

"Good, Well see you tomorrow, Adam." She smiled and waved as she opened the door.

"See you." I say as she exits. I sigh when I look around the empty cafe. It was a complete mess. You can see the crumbs on the tables from the opposite side of the room and it is my job to clean it all up. Just brilliant. 

   I guess I'll start with the tables since they look like they need to be cleaned the most. One thing i do not like about this town was how dirty the people are especially. Do they not now how to pick up after them selves. all over the ground were napkins, plastic bottles and forks, paper coffee mugs. Disgusting. I go in to the storage room and grab a cloth and wet it with the sink next to the storage room door. I then grab a bottle that suppose to sanitize the table and then head back to the front. I spray a table then begin wiping. 

      After I'm finished with the tables I sweep the ground an pick up trash. Once done with that I mop then empty all the trash bins and take them out to the dumpster. I cleaned of the counters and even the chairs. I'm unsure if I have to do the chairs but I do just encase. I leave the bathroom for last because when I went to use the bathroom during opening hours, which all genders use one room, I almost barfed. Toilet papers everywhere. The toilets were not flushed. But the worst of it all, the sink, a brown substance lies in it. And the smell, It smells even worse the the dump I once slept by and it was not a good smell.

"Oh god, please have mercy." I say as I enter the bathroom.

                   (This is my first book, EVER. Please forgive me for any mistakes. I am no pro writer, I just love to write, but I wouldn't be surprised if very few read my book. It's OK, i'm not expecting that to happen. But for those who do, thanks. Hope you liked this chapter. )


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2019 ⏰

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