[Codex] "Fives!"

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Rex looked up from the hologram of orders for tomorrow in his hand as he heard feet pattering behind him. He then heard that specific, mischievous giggle pass by quickly. He knew that laugh, and yelled, "Fives!"

Rex jumped to his feet, stumbling as he tried to run and catch up to Fives. Rex recognized that laugh to be one of which when he passed by you and didn't spill every detail, it was gossip about you.

As he ran out of the bunker room, he saw an astray and confused trooper, probably had no idea what Fives said or shouted. From the glance Rex got, he saw a 'Shiny', who wouldn't know about 501st drama.

As he continued to dash through the halls, he reached a room and saw Fives rapidly talking to Hardcase and Jesse. Fives turned his head and saw Rex, dramatically flailing his arms and yelling "Pass it on!"

"Fives!" Rex growled, leaping, he knocked Fives to the ground, huffing as he stood and looked down at Fives, who was attempting a maniac laugh. Rex scoffed, running to get Jesse and Hardcase.

a/n: when he tackles them it's so they fall but doesn't injure them badly

Rex quickly caught up with Hardcase who was tired due to a recent mission, knocking him over and running after Jesse. He found him telling Tup, whatever the thing was, but it must be something if they're drawing it out this much.

Jesse told Tup swiftly to go just before Rex got to him, keeping his foot on top of Jesse who was fighting back, he heard Tup yell as he fled, "I shall avenge thy, fallen brothers!" Jesse laughed whilst shouting back; "Yes Tup run!"

Rex looked down at Jesse, still confused but angered, he chased after Tup, who'd made his way to the almost empty mess hall.

Cody was going back to a table after putting his tray away, Dogma sat alone, seemingly reading something, and Kix stood next to Tup, he'd been told. There were a group of 3 shinies in the far corner, who couldn't hear the group's exaggerated drama.

Tup announced loudly to the very few people, "Codex is real!" Dogma didn't seem to care, a Shiny glanced over but turned back to the others, Cody turned confusedly, and Kix and Tup giggled.

Rex got into the mess after that, tired and resting on the spot, he had no idea what's been said already, and now, he thought to himself, I still don't know what this is about...

Kix then spoke, "Ya hear that Cody?" Rex's head flew up as he still breathed heavily, trying to regain balance and stand upright. His head spun, but quickly got better.

Rex managed to whisper; "What's happening?" But wasn't heard as he was still winded by all the running. Cody just spoke out of oblivious confusion, "Like the protocol er whatever? Yeah I'm pretty sure Code X is a real thing."

Kix sighed, "No Cody, not the protoco-" Rex had regained his strength and ran over, knocking Tup and Kix to the floor. He stared down at them, then looked at Cody.

"...What did they tell you?" He asked, a serious but suspicious expression on his face. Cody mumbled, "Something about 'Codex' but not the protocol, apparently."

He sighed, bringing his hands to his head, he knew what this was. He knew, clearly, Cody didn't, so he was free for now. He rubbed his head, trying to rid the headache.

He heard Fives giggle from next to him again.

Rex punched him.

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