Luigi board

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Sure it's fun to mess with people who record paranormal things, but you know what's even better? Messing with people who have Ouija boards.

The two ghosts were trying to learn how to do 'scarier ghost stuff' as Lance likes to call it when the sound of the door being forced open caught their attention. They groaned at this since it wasn't unusual for a group of teens to break in and try to vandalize their house ever since it was labeled as the untouchable house.

"hold on I'll deal with them" Keith sighed and slowly opened the room door and mad this way down the hall where a small group of four teens sat around their living room table holding a familiar board.

"Lance! They have an Ouija board!"

Lance immediately appeared next to Keith with a giant smile, "a Luigi board?!"

Keith let out a snort and nodded his head over to where Three boys and one girl sat joking to each other about the game. Lance happily floated over to where the group was and watched as two of the boys and the girl placed their hand on the board while the third boy sat on their couch looking around.

"Demons of the underworld I summon you to possess us" a teen in a black hoodie spoke with a playful smirk.

"Jake stop!" The group shouted before breaking into a fit of laughter.

"be serious this time" the girl laughed playfully hitting him.

"ok ok" he laughs during his free hand to block her attacks. "are there any spirits around, and if so, will you talk to us?"

Keith and Lance watched from on the couch next to the guy as the small triangle thing in the board "magically" moved on its own to the 'yes'.

This was a normal thing, one of the Teens would move the marker and pretend that it's a ghost to scare everyone. It's happened so often, Keith and lance were able to tell who was the one moving the triangle when it wasn't them, and Jake was doing one shitty job at hiding it.

Once the marker reached the yes, Jake spoke again "is my dad in the spirit world, is he just ignoring my texts?"

The group and Lance giggled at the question "i-i really like him!" Lance said between breaths. Keith sighed and walked over to the table and sat between the Jake and another guy and moved the triangle to 'no' easily shattering the light aura in the living room. No one wants a laughing now

"no is not the proper answer" Lance sighed before sitting next to Jake and taking control of the marker.

"u-uh who moved that?" Jake asked glancing around the room only to earn nervous shrugs.

"holy shit it's an actual ghost! Ask it something!" The guy on the couch gasped leaning forward.

"u-uh, are you one of the guys that died here?" The girl asked glancing at the others for assistance.

Lance moved it over to yes earning gaps from others.

"holy shit holy shit holy shit!"

"calm down Aaron, it could be Jake or Amanda" the guy spike up looking at the two kids next to him.

"who is this?"


"Lance?" Amanda questioned and the marker moved to yes.

"is uh..what's his name, kale..? With you?" Jake questioned next

Lance couldn't help but Burt out laughing at this "they called you kale!" he said between gasps eating a grain from Keith "and you were called you Lainey last time" he teased before moving the triangle over to yes for Lance.

Once the giggles stopped and Lance regained his composure, he placed his hand on the triangle again "kale" he giggled

"how old are you, Lance?"

"Ghost years or death age?"

"death age idiot"


"holy shit that's young" Aaron blurted out earning glares from the three.


Amanda shook her head and looked back at the Board " did you die?"

"tell them" Keith urged leaning forward slightly.

Lance frowned ignoring Keith "this Monopoly game sucks, I don't want to play" he shrugged and flipped the board earning panicked screams from the teens and them running out of the house leaving the board.

"aw man, they didn't even say bye" Lance fake frowned

"you flipped the board on them" Keith joked pointing at the upside board that load on the floor.

"Hey, it's either yeet or be yeeted in this world" Lance replied with a grin

"what does that even mean?!" Keith laughed

"exactly how I said it"


Can you tell I'm losing ideas for this story?

Rip (^^;)

If y'all have any ideas I'll be glad to hear them ❤️🧡

...please, I don't want this to die out so soon

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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