Story Parts

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This is just 2 random sad scenes(their not really sad) for a story I probably will never write that I had thought of. I hope you like them.

Scene #1

After I ended the call with Ella, I swallowed my pride and attempted to call Shawn.

Today was the day after christmas and I was calling 2 or 3 people I had in my contacts that I knew would answer and whom I loved as a friend or whatever to tell them about my christmas and hopefully hear about theirs. Shawn was my crush but... Ugh, it's hard to explain, really.

The call was picked up almost immediately. I had put them on speaker, as I decided to do as I sat in my mother's walker in front of her.

The voice on the other end was very low but I guessed it was Shawn saying hello and asking who I was since I remember he told me that he didn't save my new phone in his contacts yet which was a shocker to me. "Hi, Shawn!" I chirped.

"Lynette?" I could hear the other end inquire. "Yup, it's me!" I answered cheerily.


I stared at my phone. He had hung up. I gripped my phone in my hand tightly. I knew he was going to do something like that but the fact that he hung up the moment he heard my name broke my heart even more.

It had been about a month or 2 since I got this phone yet I had already called him twice. They were short calls, varying around 20-30 seconds. I don't know why he refused to call me or why he refused to talk whenever he realized it was me calling.

We were such good friends, always talking to each other a lot at school and stuff. I don't know why we barely texted. Yesterday he hadn't even responded to my "Merry Christmas Awn!" text. Awn was a nickname me and his... other friend used for him sometimes.

His other friend used it all the time, it was fine though considering they had been friends longer than I had been friends with Shawn. I didn't really use it, only when I texted him did I ever even use it occasionally.

"Mom, can you believe he hung up on me!?" I screeched at my mom. Her dark brown eyes looked into mine and she answered calmly, "Yes."

"What!? Why?" I asked. "He's a rude boy." She stated matter-of-factly.

Although I didn't respond and began to call my father, not before I informed her and restrained my tears, I found myself agreeing with her. He was very, very mean and rude sometimes, that boy.


Scene #2

I stared at him as the words flowed flawlessly out of his perfect mouth, "I don't feel like we'll be anything other than just friends in the 10th grade." He said.

He was so carefree about it, maybe even a little happy. If not for trying to act strong in front of my crush I would've fallen to my knees in front of him, crying. I honestly felt the heat rushing to my eyes.

"Besides, in a few months I'll be going to a different school." He told me and then said the schools name. I knew the school, I had heard my smart table mate talking about wanting to go to that school soon. "You won't be able to get into that school, Lynette." He said matter-of-factly.

What I interpreted from that sentence was that I was simply not good enough and that in the end we would've just been friends in the 10th grade. "I honestly pity you." He stated. "You won't have any other friends when I leave."

That was true. Although there was Ella she was in the other class. He chuckled despite the arrows he was stabbing in to my heart, insinuating a chuckle to escape from me as well as I tried to hide my sadness. "I guess..." I said, looking into his sea green eyes. His blonde hair was a mess in this winter wind.

I took out my phone and checked the time. 3:15 pm.

I looked at him. "You should probably go home, Shawn. I don't want your Mom getting mad at you for getting home late!" He looked at me with questioning in his green eyes. He slowly took out his phone.

'Goddamn it, Shawn, just go before I burst and start crying right here and right now and start screaming at you!' I thought. I could feel the heat at my eyes burn harder and it hurt. I needed to cry, at least a little bit.

He checked the time just as he got a text message from whom he said was his Mom. "Just so you know, fuck you." He chuckled before running off without a goodbye. I waved at him and yelled, "Bye Shawn! Remember to go fuck yourself!" This time I meant it. I wonder if he knows how I feel.

No, what I truly wonder is if I were to be dead the next what he would feel. I don't think he would be sad for some strange reason despite us being friends.

I felt empty. It reminded me of that song that started like this, "I'm sitting with an empty glass and a broken heart thinking to myself, 'What have I done?'"

Although the singer's feelings and regrets and such were different from mine, the empty glass and broken heart was what I felt at this moment despite how ridiculous it sounded.

I leaned against the wall and mumbled to myself, "If I died would I be saved from this emptiness?"

I never had much friends my whole life. Most were adults. The friends I had back then slowly turned their backs on me during the duration of my life and I was left with one, Ella. She had another friend named Nathan who was kind of considered my friend but not as close. She was truly considered my only friend.

Recently she's been drifting away from me, hanging out with other friends. I mean, she always had other friends but I don't know why it made me feel all the more empty inside.

And then I had Shawn. Ever since the first day of school he's pretty much been the only friend I have in class. The other person I once considered my friend doesn't talk much so we are more or less considered acquaintances now. Shawn's friend whom I had tried to be friends with already hates me as much as I now hate her.

I punched in the code to my apartment and waited for either my brother Ray or my mom to buzz me in.

It buzzed so I pushed the door open and rushed inside, opening the other door just as fast and reaching the elevator, wanting to lay down and cry as soon as possible otherwise I would let it all out here.

After taking the elevator, I rushed in my apartment once I had reached the now unlocked door, locking it behind me.

"Hey Mom." I said, trying to stop my voice from shivering. "Hey." She responded, taking a sip from whatever she was drinking.

"Can I lay in your bed?" I asked quickly. She nodded so I put my stuff down before running into her bedroom, slamming the door closed and landing face first onto the bed.

'Ever since I started going to this new school, so many bad things have been happening, it used to be so simple with the occasional bullying and scorn, now I get this!' I cursed, letting the tears all out on my mom's pillow.

I hope it dries before she comes to lay down.

I hope you enjoyed those two scenes. It is like 3:16 AM on December 26th xD.

Well, of course it's December 26th.

Actually, scratch that, it's December 27th now because it's the morning. Silly me. Thanks for reading to whoever does?

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