Rookie Cop

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Ryan Flouring was a rookie cop on the force. He was in a small city with a pretty low crime rate, so it was common knowledge that very few would ever truly experience something like the scene that took place at the mall. He was only a few blocks away on patrol when he got the call over the radio.

" We have a 10-67, Armed shooter at Cold Lake Plaza and Mall," static rang through his patrol car. He had only been on the force for a couple of months and pride took over him as he replied that he would be in en-route

He arrived at the scene in cliché, cop manner. His car screeched as he slammed on the break and left the lights on his car flashing. Like it was a personal warning towards whomever was in there, doing whatever they were doing. Ryan was a good student at the academy. He graduated top of his class. He knew that he should wait for a supervisor. They all knew it.

His father was a cop and he wanted a story like his father would always tell. It was most obviously a mistake when he withdrew his weapon and made his way into the eerily quiet mall. Ryan wanted to be a hero. In his own disposition pride took over. His decision was made as soon as he opened those doors. Police sirens that blared in the distance were no match for the thump of his heart that clawed at his eardrums.

He tried to take steady breaths as he entered and looked across the nearly empty courtyard. Maya and Gabe had stood in the middle of it. Abandoned bags were strewn across benches and tables and paper floated in the air.

Ryan watched as Maya let tears fall down her face and talked to him incomprehensibly. It was a split second decision. One that would make or break his career. What was he supposed to say? Ryan saw it clear as day. Suspect held the gun at her head. His finger was on the trigger for fucks sake. He was far, but Ryan was skilled in the marksman department. Especially after a few years in the military. Maybe that was why Ryan put it on himself to pull the trigger first. He was still stuck in the mindset that he was in combat.

That story would be told by him many times in the future. Most of it was very true. Almost all of it but he said his breathing steadied. It was chaotic. He said he trained his eyes on the suspect. He couldn't stop glancing at the nameless girl that would see all of this. He said he would of made the same decision over and over again. Even decades later he thought it could have been a mistake.

Officer flouring was not sure of his decision but he pulled the trigger and let a bullet hit the suspect. Bullseye: in between the eyes.

A thump sounded as the body hit the floor. Ryan ran up and kicked the gun away from the lifeless body and looked at the young girl who hadn't moved. She hadn't jumped from the shot. She just stared. Her eyes widened and her hands remained raised as she looked at the body of someone she used to be so close to.

"Are you okay?" Ryan asked as he put away his gun.

"I- I- I-"

"It's okay," Ryan stepped forward to come closer to the girl and she looked at him with the same wide and terrified eyes. It made him stop in his tracks. Where were the tears? The hugs? The 'thank you's? He was more than ready to be a hero and he looked at this girl in the eyes and something made it all feel horrible. "We should get you out of here." He stuck his hand out for the teen to take it and she just stared. Her hands slowly deflated to her sides and she started inching away.

"You killed him." She finally said as they walked further away from the crime scene. Something inside her pinched her lungs and she couldn't cry. That would happen all too much later, but she didn't have it in her to cry. Not yet.

The cop didn't know how to answer that. How was he supposed to reply? He really did kill someone and he made the realization too late.

Police car after police car began showing up. Some were scared others wanted a taste of the action. Later even in the precinct he wished he wasn't the first on the scene. When Maya had been escorted the ambulance everyone stared at the blood that dotted across her face. Then they looked at their fellow officer; Ryan Flouring. Nobody knew what to say. Another ambulance showed up and took away the body. The crime scene was taped off and Ryan was told to go back to the station while others began an investigation.

Everything that entered his mind exited fairly quick because the wide eyed look of the girl couldn't escape him. The boy who laid sprawled across the courtyard of a mall was stuck in his mind. His colleagues patted his back and congratulated him in every way Ryan begged them to stop. The feeling of guilt and regret ate at his mind and it would never be vacant the way it had been before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2018 ⏰

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