Chapter 4

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A couple of weeks later Weizhou was out shopping with SuJoon when they ran into Sujoon's cute boyfriend Lee. He happened to be with two other boys, one of them possessively keeping an arm around Lee's shoulders. Having seen photos of Lee, he was able to recognize the boy instantly.

"Hey SuSu!!" Lee beamed upon seeing his tall boyfriend, before politely greeting Weizhou with a nod.

SuJoon smiled, his eyes fixated on the arm around his boyfriend. "Thought you had a study group session.". He himself hated his accusatory tone.

"Um yeah we're ju-just taking a break." Lee stuttered. Then he proceeded to introduce his two friends.

"This is Weizhou. My roommate." SuJoon mentioned, his tone still somewhat off. Lee seemed to pick up on his boyfriend's mood.

Weizhou cleared his throat. "We were about to get some ice cream. Wanna join us?"

"Sure." Lee managed to smile, still unable to hide his concern fully.

Once they were inside the little ice cream parlour inside the mall, Weizhou made sure to get SuJoon and Lee to sit side by side where they could have some privacy. Then he proceeded to indulge Lee's two friends in some casual conversation.

Once they were all done, both SuJoon and Lee seemed to be in high spirits. They seemed to have worked out whatever the issue that had arose. They said their goodbyes and Weizhou and SuJoon headed back to their dorm.

"So what was that about?" Weizhou questioned as they walked.

"You  know...that guy.. He was all over Lee."

" trust Lee though don't you?"

"Of course! It's just....having to hide that we're together,.. it's kind of making things difficult."

"Why do you have to hide it?"

"He's afraid that he'd lose his friends.. Yeah I know then they're not really worth being called friends but he needs them while he's in college and I totally understand."

"Hmm as long as you two trust and understand each other fully, nothing will get in between- trust me.. I'm rooting for you guys." Weizhou sighed.

SuJoon noticed the transformation in Weizhou's mood.

"Is there something you haven't told me maybe?"

Weizhou looked at him for a second and shifted his gaze back to the road. "Well I do have some experience in losing something special due to lack of trust and communication. I see something equally special between you and Lee. Just.. don't let doubts and insecurities consume you. Have faith in him. He seems to love you a whole lot."

SuJoon was getting flustered. He shyly bit his lip. "You think so?"

"Well from this brief encounter with him, that's what I've gathered. He only has eyes for you. He's head over heels just like you are. Ughh it's so disgustingly sweet to watch!"

SuJoon blushed. "Stop!!" He said giggling. Weizhou only chuckled.

They kept walking in silence for a few more minutes before SuJoon spoke again. "So your special relationship..., it's completely over?'

Weizhou nodded. "Yeah. It is."

"I'm sorry."

"It's all good. Just a lesson learnt. Thanks to that I was able to give you some advice."

SuJoon smiled and nodded.

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As the final exams were nearing Weizhou had his own study sessions with his friends. The amount of texts and calls exchanged between him and JingYu became less and less as they both became busier, not that there was that much to begin with. Yet every time his phone buzzed, Weizhou's head snapped up from the book to take a quick glance. This did not go unnoticed by Emori.

"Zhou..?" She finally uttered, yet Weizhou seemed lost in thought, leaving her no other choice but to repeat his name. "Zhou!?"

"Huh?" He finally looked at her.

Emori stole a glance at the rest in their group, but they were all engrossed in whatever they were studying. "Are you... expecting to hear from JingYu maybe?" she asked barely above a whisper.

"Um...wha- what made you think that?"

Emori shot him a dry look.

"I'm not." Weizhou replied.

"Hmm if you say so."


"No reason." Emori immediately shifted her gaze back to her book.


"'s just Chen said he's seeing someone now."

Weizhou tried his best to hide his shock. He really did.

"You okay?" Emori asked in concern. "Should I have not told you?"

"Why wouldn't I be? Come on." Weizhou brushed it off and faked a smile.

"Well.. he's still your ex. So it's totally normal to feel a bit upset."

Weizhou wasn't the type to dismiss something followed by a I just think it's funny how.... But here he was. "It's just...he could have told me you know. We've been friends for a few months now."

"Hmm.. well I don't know this for sure alright? Chen was probably speculating. Do you want me to ask him for more details maybe?"

"No. No it's none of my business." Weizhou got up. "I need some coffee."

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He received a call from JingYu a couple of days later which he chose not to answer. The next couple of weeks passed by so fast and the exam week approached.

Weizhou slowly walked towards the entrance to the college premises, going over the short notes he had prepared.

"Is that wise?" He heard a familiar voice inquire.

He looked up from his notes to be greeted with the sight of JingYu leaning against the tall tree just a few feet away.

Weizhou shot him a questioning look.

"Not watching where you're going I mean." JingYu added smiling.

"What are you doing here?" Weizhou didn't mean to sound as tense as he did.

"Well I was just in the neighborhood, and just wanted to drop by to wish you good luck for the exam."

"" Weizhou managed to smile.

"...not that you'll need it." JingYu added.

"Oh I will." Weizhou badly wanted to ask how JingYu had been, but a bitter part of him made him decide against it. Hence only an awkward silence followed.

"Well.. Guess I'll see you around then. My bike's just around the corner." JingYu replied.

"Okay. See you." Weizhou wanted to say more, but instead he turned and headed inside. In his rush he almost bumped into Emori who was headed out in search of him.

"whoa there you are!" Emori said taking in Weizhou's state. "You ok? You look like you've just seen a ghost?"

To her shock, without a word Weizhou turned on his heel and ran back outside. Once he was out, he scanned the surroundings eagerly but there was no trace of who he was looking for...

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