Chapter 8

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Villain party or not, it was still festive and cheery. There were stalls selling alcoholic drinks, drugs, weapons, and even slave trades around town. It was a recreational of a Japanese-style New Year Festival, but in the weaving of villains.

"We're getting red carrot donuts! Come on!" Fang grabbed Reverse's wrist and dragged him towards the direction of the food areas.

"You had five yesterday!" Reverse protested. Despite this, he was still being dragged over by Fang. "At this rate, you're going to have to work out eight hours a day in a steam room for a week."

Fang purchased three donuts. He bit into his first one. "It's worth it."

Reverse sighed in exasperation. They'd only arrived for barely an hour and Fang's already overloading on sugar-packed snacks. It was one in the morning, so the crescent moon was still hung high in the night sky. Across the night, you could see multiple galactical systems, draping across the dark blue with coloured lights in pink, bright blue and violet crystals. It was beautiful, and Reverse could understand why Skepto remained stationary in every multiverse.

Skepto is a powerful planet. If given the right equipment, you can observe multiple solar systems that are parallel to each other. In one universe he could have white hair. In the other, he could have seven fucking brothers. All the secrets are unravelled in front of your eyes, even the ones you never knew. Some of the changes are drastic. Some of them are minor like your personality. But all of them led to Skepto. This planet is the core of every other universe, so in destroying Skepto would result in a chain reaction of the obliteration of reality itself.

The VilCon-week is only held once a year, when the crescent moon is present. It was the time where the galaxies across space were the most visible. It was when Skepto had sunken to a deeper hiding place from other planets and universes. There were theories that if Skepto keeps hiding itself, there was one day it was going to disappear, fade into the background entirely, forgotten by the outside world. Maybe that's why Zu made such an impression. Everyone knew she was born from Skepto, and she's probably trying to make everyone remember Skepto because her race were such incompetent peons that can't even have their own opinions, let alone go around and making sure their planet doesn't turn into pure energy.

There's also a rumour that the crescent moon's light makes Skeptolians stronger. So not only was Zu annoying, she'd gotten a huge power boost from the fucking moon.

Talk about an overpowered OC, Reverse thought.

"Anything else you want to do?" Fang asked.

Reverse looked around. He saw a stall with hot chocolate. "I'm gonna get something to drink."

Fang nodded.

Reverse bought a cup. The velvety warmth of the chocolate was intoxicatingly sweet, and he wasn't used to it. Ever since he left Earth, he'd avoided sweets completely, for multiple reasons. Part of it was because he can't afford to put on weight for his battles, but most of the reasons was because he missed his grandfather. His grandfather had owned a stall named Kokotiam, specializing in making chocolate treats and drinks. They were his favourite.

He loved his grandfather, of course. But to run into space so recklessly and leaving him behind because of people insulting him, he was a failure of a grandson. Was he worrying about him? Did he miss him? Will his parents care?

Two years ago, he had a stable financial system and a ship of his own, but he daren't return to Earth. He didn't know how to face Tok Aba. He had become the very thing he had wanted to vanquish.

"You okay?" Fang nudged him. "You're making that hold-my-beer-I'm-sulking-again face."

Reverse glared. "I am not!"

"Feel free to talk about it?"

"Feel free to talk about your brother issues?"

"You're lucky you're cute."

"Your standards are pretty low, so it seems," Reverse vamped, closing the conversation. He crumpled the empty paper cup and tossed it as far as he could.

The paper cup hit a bulky guy in the back. The guy began roaring and pushing everyone around him, but he was punched in the face after making a scene by none other than Zu.

"Fucking hell!" she cursed. "Y'all put your ugly asses somewhere else!"

Reverse blinked. "You're looking as gay as usual."

Zu glared. She had dark skin, bob-cut silver hair and pale-yellow eyes. The bags in front of her ears reached up to her shoulder, and she was wearing a black neckband around her neck.

"Is that a choker?" Fang mused.

"You would know, won't you? Since you're dating him and all." Zu pointed an accusing finger at Reverse. "Anyway, the other versions of you already left to their universe. You'd forget about this soon after you leave Skepto. So go make your conspiracy theories now before I kick you all out into orbit after this week."

She turned on her heels and left them, yelling at people as she passed by. How her throat was still alive, it remains to be a mystery yet to be solved.

Reverse turned to Fang.

"Hey," he started, "I think it's time for me to visit my home."

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