It All Started With Youtube

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Dylan's POV:

I sigh, slumping lazily on my couch. Reaching forwards to the coffee table in front of me, I grab my laptop and open up a new tab of Chrome, prepared to spend a few hours mindlessly browsing the web.

What to do... In all honesty, I have no idea what to do; there were no deadlines that needed to be met, since I had already finished recording my new song, Misery, about a week ago.

Misery was based off of my not-so-private-break up with the one and only Ruby Elizabeth David's, RED for short. Ruby and I had "dated" for two years, although in reality, it was only for the nosy paparazzi and reporters. However, with me, I slowly began to fall for her genuine kindness to others and maddening art talent. And as the days, weeks, and months passed, I thought she might reciprocate my feelings.

 And as the days, weeks, and months passed, I thought she might reciprocate my feelings

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I was a teen-celebrity singer and Ruby was the billionaire's daughter. Couple? I thought so.

There was only one crucial thing my mind omitted: it takes two people to be in a couple.

•                               •                               •

Ruby and I were walking around on a private beach, where paparazzi weren't allowed. The sun was setting, its rays reflecting off the ocean water, and we were having such a good time, joking around like friends do.

She was walking backwards in front of me, so she could capture the view and potentially paint it. Me, being the clumsy self I was, tripped over my own two feet, toppled onto her, and brought us both to the sand like a crash of a wave.

Time seemed to freeze in that moment, and we stared at each other, my eyes boring into hers, hers into mine. Her orbs were a piercing green, sharp, yet soft at the same time, and absolutely mesmerising.

This was at the beginning of our false relationship... but more importantly, it was when I realised that maybe, just maybe, I might like her more than a friend.

As our relationship strengthened, hers apparently as a friend, mine as more; we spent more time together than ever, always going to each other's art competitions (hers) or swimming (mine). I was falling for her, RED, who I always used to think of as artsy, scrawny, and weird little girl. What has life become? I remember pondering.

Growing older, we grew apart, no longer being as close as we had been, although we still kept in touch often. This was the middle of year two with Ruby. I knew I still liked her, but didn't know how to express it. In the end, I simply waited for the right time to pass... if ever.

This charade lasted for a long duration and it soon came to our two-year fake anniversary, and if everything when the way I wanted, the start of our actual one. Today was the day, and I was absolutely determined to make it perfect. I was going to tell her.

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