Sleep Like A Baby

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Dylan'S POV:

After watching at least half of the 18,093,472 you-tube videos - all topics on me, I fell asleep, MAC on my lap. Although some of the other videos I saw were okay, none of them compared to WisdomsChild. That girl had major talent.

Currently, it's 6:15, Californian time, and the plane leaves at 9:45. Nick, Joshua, and I were staying in NYC for 2 months- quite a bit from home- not that I cared. I was actually pretty excited to go back to my home town of Brooklyn, New York, New York, and visit my mom. Mmm... I can already taste the blue chocolate chip cookies. Paradise in my mouth, I tell ya. Heaven. On. Earth.

To be honest, visiting my mom isn't the only reason why I'm so hyped up to go to New York. I'll be away from... Rebecca... It'll help take my mind off her. Gods, I miss her already, even if we "broke up". Did she miss me? Who's the lucky guy? Are we still friends? Probably not. I technically did cut her out of my life when I left her on the beach. Not only that, but I also cut out a piece of my heart.

"Hey Dylan, you ready to par-tay in New York?" Nick asked.

"Yeah. I guess," I sighed.

"Man, you alright?" Joshua wondered. "Are you air-sick, or whatever it's called?"

"Nah, I'm fine, guys," I huffed unconvincingly, even though that was only partially true. They didn't look convinced, but thankfully, the subject was abruptly dropped. Soon after that, I sunk into the leather seat of my private jet, and fell into a dream-filled slumber...


I slowly began lowering my head down to hers, closing my eyes, when hers did too. Closer, and closer. When only a millimetre away from her glossed lips, Ruby turned her head, so it was only a kiss on the cheek. Just the cheek.

She faced me, tears glistening in her eyes, and whispered, "I didn't know you felt that way, Dyl

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She faced me, tears glistening in her eyes, and whispered, "I didn't know you felt that way, Dyl. I'm-I'm sorry. But, I-I can't. I think I'm in love with someone else. I love you like a brother Dylan, but not... not like that."

I set her down gently to the sand, and stared at her in shock. Who could she be in love with?

"It's not your fault, R.E.D., it's mine..."

"No, no, no, Dylan, it isn't your fault. You're like my brother, and you didn't do anything wrong!" she said.

"No. It's my fault for ever thinking about falling in love with you. Good bye, Ruby," I told her for the last time, heart cold of stone.

I left her on the beach, tears dripping down her face onto the sand. The day my heart broke.

*I relived that moment again, reoccurring in a nightmare. The moment I dreaded to see every time my head hit the pillow. The moment Ruby, and my life separated into two different ones. Then, to my pleasure, the dream changed*

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