Chapter 3

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Y/N was awoken the next morning to the sound of yelling. At first, she was scared and confused about as to where she was but then she started to recall everything that had occurred in the past 48 hours.

"So it wasn't just a dream..." she whispered to herself and checked her phone for the time. 7:30 am. Pulling herself out from between the soft sheets of her new bed and slowly walking over to her door, she pulled it a jar. She was vaguely able to hear the yelling with a little more clarity but in her sleepy haze, she couldn't register any of the words themselves.

Despite her curiosity, Y/N made the decision to stay in her room until the yelling stopped. Mainly so she didn't get into trouble on the first proper day of her new life. Instead, she wandered back over to the bed and scrolled through her social media's absent-mindedly. Once the yelling had come to a halt, a slam of the front door shook the household. The argument must have been important for when Yoongi pushed her door open gently 15 minutes later, she could see the rage and stress still written all over him.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asked, obviously trying to remain calm.

"None, Sir. Well, nothing that was understandable. It was all unintelligible noise from up here." Y/N responded, trying to keep an aura of peace herself. All he did was give a curt nod before taking in her appearance. The tight shorts that could pass as underwear and low cut tank top easily made his breath catch in his throat. It definitely didn't help that she hadn't thought to wear a bra either, the draft caused by the open door causing her nipples to harden slightly in response. Y/N thought nothing of it, having never worn a bra to bed. He pulled his gaze away and gulped slightly before talking again.

"Go get a shower and come down for breakfast. It'll be served in half an hour." he made a move to leave before adding "Oh and, Y/N, wear your dance gear. You've got a performance tonight and need to practice with the others. You'll start immediately after breakfast."

After 10 minutes figuring out how the shower worked, Y/N washed and dried herself as quickly as she could. Once she was fully clothed and her hair was dry and tied up, she ventured out. She was surprised to see Yugyeom waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning," he drawls, obviously still half asleep.

"Good morning, Yugyeom." she giggles back as he yawns.

"Come on, let's get you to breakfast."

"Are you not joining us?"

"Unfortunately, no. I have some other...stuff to do before tonight"

"Stuff?" she laughs

"Stuff." he replies, not a hint of amusement in his voice. She decided not to question him further and stayed silent as she walked by his side to the dining room. Passing the living room where she had spent the previous evening, she smiled slightly to herself. After another few feet, they reached a large mahogany door. The man next to her pushed the door open for her and gestured for her to enter. As soon as she stepped into the room, the door shut behind her, making her jump, and Yugyeom was gone.

Waiting for her, sat around a large square wooden table with an array of breakfast foods on, is Yoongi and the dancers she recognised from the club. Yoongi barely acknowledged her existence, only gesturing to the seat next to him and grumbled something that sounded like "morning" as he glared at something on his phone. She took the seat and immediately dug in, trying to eat away her nerves about meeting the girls. Over the numerous nights at the club, Y/N had noticed how snobbish the girls could be to the other people in the club. She would rather not be on the receiving end of one of their bitchy comments first thing in the morning.

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