Chapter 4

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A blinding spotlight. The unnerving silence of the drunken crowd. A nervous heartbeat. It all consumed her as she walked up to that stage, all eyes on her. She gracefully climbed onto the platform, clicked her fingers thrice and the club roared to life. Under her control. She danced as if her life depended on it. Little did she know that it did.

The thumping bass engulfed her body and pushed her to keep dancing despite how tired she was getting. But the smiles and looks of awe were enough to energise her. Their gazes alone could enable her to dance all night long if they wanted her to.

As she became one with music, Y/N almost forgot that there were another four girls on stage with her. Almost. She couldn't believe she was dancing with the four beautiful and talented women she had watched a myriad of times, it was relatively hard to contain her joy.

When they hit their final positions, the crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers and whistles. Y/N was on top of the world. She was also tired and sticky from sweat, but still filled with adrenaline from her debut. Together, the five dancers paraded off stage and through the crowd to the bar, where Yugyeom and Jungkook were waiting - both grinning at the gaggle of girls as they approached. Jungkook immediately stalked over to Y/N and swooped her into an embrace. She giggled as he lifted her off the floor slightly, and blushed as he kissed her cheek when he put her down.

"Fuck, Y/N, you were incredible," he grinned down at her with that bunny smile she loved but she only shook her head in modesty as she looked down to avoid his gaze. He lifted her head back up with two fingers, holding eye contact as he said "I'm serious. I couldn't keep my eyes off you."

"With a body like Y/N's I'm not surprised," Lisa popped up next to the pair with two glasses of rosé, holding one of them out towards Y/N "For you, Yugyeom told me it's what you usually get."

Y/N, graciously took the drink and took a sip. But Lisa interrupted her well-needed drink causing her to choke a little.

"Wait! Jen, Ro, Soo! Get over here!" Lisa called over to the three girls stood at the bar talking to the bartender, who was smirking. The three girls whipped their heads around at the sound of their friend calling for them. They all picked up their own drinks from the bar and walked over to where Lisa, Y/N and Jungkook stood.

"I'll leave you girls be," Jungkook said to them before leaning down and whispering to Y/N, "I'll catch up with you later," winking at her and walking away.

"A toast, to a glorious debut." Lisa then raises her glass "To Y/N."

"To Y/N." Jennie, Rosé and Jisoo chorused back, also lifting their glasses.

"To me." Y/N giggled as she too raised her glass. A small 'clink' was heard as they put their glasses together before taking a drink.

They stood, and talked, and drunk, and laughed for about an hour – purely enjoying each other's company in the club. They also asked her a few questions about how she knew Jungkook; when she told them that they had grown up together she was received with a chorus of 'awe's'. Jennie also wiggled her eyebrows suggestively and laughed when she was hit on the arm in response.

"Would you though?" Jennie asked after her laughing calmed.

"Would I what?" Y/N asked back, taking a sip of her wine.

"She meant, would you ever fuck Jungkook?" Jisoo clarified causing Y/N to do a slight spit take.

"Jennie!" Y/N exclaimed through her coughs

"Y/N!" a mischievous glint in Jennie's eyes as she spoke

"I don't know! I've never thought about it,"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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