Falling for Him? {11}

451 16 40

I'm sorry for it being so short, I am just feeling all around terrible.

Song: Another You- Of Mice & Men

I'd like to shoutout to: SydneyHazCookies, because she always comments and votes on this :3 and also my best friend EmilyWillBeEmily

~Cry P.O.V~

I looked over my shoulder at a sleeping Felix.

He looks so adorable, I thought to myself and smiled.

I turned a little so my legs were up on the couch to the left. I look a Felix, and I slowly reached up and ran my fingers through his hair.

So kissable... I found myself leaning closer to Felix. I stopped about 2 inches away from his face, and quickly backed up.

What the fuck am I doing? I asked myself.

I got up and walked to my room. I changed into pj pants and laid down on my bed. I thought about what I had almost just done for a while before I finally drifted asleep.

~in de morning~

I woke up and headed to the bathroom. I did my business and walked into the kitchen.

What to eat, what to eat...

I grabbed a package of poptarts and pop them in the toaster.

"Aren't you going to offer me some?" Someone says in my ear.

"Jesus fucking christ," I place my hand over my heart dramatically, and turn around.

There stands Felix laughing at me.

"Haha, very funny," I turn back to the toaster just as the poptarts go up.

"Pay back's a bitch," he says, grabbing a package of poptarts from the cabinet.

"Yeah, yeah," I put them on a plate and head into the living room. A few minutes later Felix sits down on the couch next to me.

I finished my poptarts and ask, "Do you want to do anything today? We haven't really done anything besides watch movies..."

"Yeah, sure if you want too," he replied, finishing his poptarts as well. What? I'm a slow eater...

"Okay... How about..." A commercial for a local zoo comes on, "the zoo!"

"Sure," he ruffles my hair and takes both of our plates into the kitchen.

"Yay! I'm gonna go get ready!"

"Can we get coffee on the way there?" Pewds yells to me as I make my way from my bedroom to the bathroom.


~after Cry takes a shower you pervs~

I walk out of the bathroom to meet Felix.

"Finally," he groans, "you've been in there forever."

"Wah wah," I walk into the living room to wait for Felix.

~after Felix takes a shower you pervs~

"Alrighty! Lets go!" I hear him yell.

~Felix P.O.V~ (A/N I wanted to do something...)

"Alrighty! Lets go!" I yell, coming out of the bathroom.

I see Cry's keys laying on the counter and I remember his playful growl.

Not to sound creepy, but I want to hear that again.

I smile and grab them. Just as I'm about to turn around, someone reaches over my shoulder and grabs them out of my hand.

I hear him growl (A/N It's all ogre now. Sorry, it reminded me of Shrek is Love Shrek is Life) in my ear, "Mine," he softly bites my ear lobe, but pulls away quickly.

"Lets go!" He says, walking out the door, and I follow him.

~Author's note~

I don't think I've felt good all day except for like 2 days this year. Weather it is from allergies, that time of the month, I'm sick, or I just don't feel good.

Like today for example, I am sick and that time of the month. Yay.

I also have to run the a mile next week.

Love you guys <3


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