He Took it {One-shot}

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Whenever Cry saw his chance, he took it.

When he saw his chance to steal, he took it.

When he saw his chance to run, he took it.

When he saw his chance to cut, he took it.

When he saw his chance to make friends with someone, he took it.

When the boy wanted to hang out, he took it.

When the boy asked him out, he took it.

When the boy asked to marry him, he took it.

When he saw the chance to die, he took it.

~Author's note~

I have no idea what this was. "The boy" is Felix btw.

I was just RP-ing and I got this idea to write something like this so, I did, and here you go.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2014 ⏰

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