First impressions are always the best ||part 1

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Todoroki POV

Being the leader of a gang is too tiring and bothersome, especially when you had to get forced to become it by your selfish old man who only wishes for glory, fame and victory. "Boss we're ready when you are" Momo spoke in her usual monotone voice whilst she was standing still and upright awaiting for my next order. I stood from my chair and threw on my black leather jacket that had the name of our gang name on the back, it was a design of snow and snowflakes forming the shape of a fire. "Sattle up! Let's move!" My orders echoed all over the place making everyone move to their designated place.

•• time skip ••
(After the assestment)

I awoke to feel a horrible pain in my left arm and right ankle and knee. "Momo! can you hear me?" I yell as loud as could which was not so loud as I was still droopy from just awakening. "Momo!"
After a while of just lying on the floor in the dark of some alley way I decide to get up but failing every now and then. I walked...well limped for what felt like ages until this one shop had caught my eye. It had flowers all over the shop and the shop wasn't that big but wasn't small either as it was a two story which I assumed the top part was their house, it had a massive sign on the top of the shade just under the balcony saying "One 4 All" I walked a bit closer only to realise that the scent of the flowers reminded me of... my mother.
I had finally made it to the door and knocked loud enough so that they would hear me upstairs. I knocked about three more times as I started to get tired and feeling a bit sick. I then collapsed in front of the door and my eyesight was going all weary and a blur. I open my eye lids a little as I hear a click noice and see a figure standing over the top of me panicking, and that was the last thing I saw before drifting off.

Midoriya POV

I start to panic as I have no idea what to do. I put my arm around his waist and the other on his arm making his arm sling around my shoulder so I could carry him with a little more ease. I struggle up the stairs to my bathroom lying him in the bathtub. I turn on the bathroom light so I could get a better look at the current situation he is in, as I'm taking a closer look at him in proper lighting I notice that his hair is split into two, the right side is white and slicked back whilst the other is red and pulled over his eye. I move the red side of his bi coloured hair only to find a strange mark over his eye, is it a birthmark? No this... this is a burn mark. I strip him off leaving his dark blues ripped jeans on and I spot a wound on his left arm. Looks like a knife slashed him as well as a gun shot that just grazed him.
I look frantically look through my mirror for my first aid kit only to remember it being downstairs in the shop. I quickly run down the stairs getting the first aid kit out from under the counter.
I look through the first aid kit for some peroxide to clean out the wounds, whilst it's doing that I get a warm cloth to clean off all the blood that was on him. I wipe away the peroxide and grab a bandage wrapping it tightly but not to tight around his arm. I get an over sized shirt for him and dress him. After putting on the shirt I once again lift him up out of the tub and into my room as it was closer then the guest room. I lie him down on my bed pulling the sheets over him and Turing off the light closing the door.
As I'm walking to the guest room thoughts are just running through my head everywhere
'why does he have so many wounds?' 'Why did he come to MY shop?' 'Why has he got burn on his left eye?' "...what's his name?" I mumble the last to myself. I flop onto the bed immediately falling into deep sleep.

Sorry it's short... I didn't proof read because I can't be fucked honestly.

Hopefully you guys like it... and like I said this is my first one so if you don't like it then you can always read other ones!

I might take a while to do the next parts anyway because I have such a big family!

Any-who see you next chapter my children!

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