the battle begins!

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Some course language guys just gonna let you know now...ENJOY THIS LAME ASS STORY!

"it uh...started last night as you was a pretty big battle between my gang as well as another strong gang called ground zero..."

flashback todoroki POV

"sattle up! lets go!" everyone loaded up into the black cars, there was about 6 of them (not including mine) driving down the empty streets, the only thing that was lighting up the dark streets were street lights spreading along the long road to our destination. we were going to have a peace treaty with the other strongest gang in Tokyo since we figured there was no reason to have a rivalry between us two gangs since we are both very strong and wouldn't have so much trouble when another gang tries to attack the other as we will both have each other and come to help if needed or not.

"boss we have arrived in the ground zero's territory" momo informed me sitting in the driver seat still keeping her eyes locked onto the road. "make sure everyone is on look out"

"yes boss" momo began talking over the radio to the other many cars informing to keep an eye out to make sure nothing bad were to happen. i dont know why but...I feel as though I still cant trust them though we are doing this. i am doing this because of my stupid old man wanting more power all the time and decided that i go to this peace treaty instead as the new leader for the gang is a male around my age, which was the other reason as to why i agreed only to see someone else my age in a gang and so i know who i will be working along side with too.

i walk into the building of ground zero gang, and to my surprise it was so much more cleaner then what it had looked like on the outside. The building itself looked old, dull and worn down but the inside was like a whole other place it was sparkling clean you could legit see your reflection on the ground. There were a lot of plants in the place to make it look even more beautiful and clean, much more like a normal house than a place for a gang really. I look ahead and notice that there is a rather large door at the end of the hall, this was probably the biggest door I've seen in here so far must be the main hall or something like that. Two huge guards guarding the door awaiting for us to come closer before opening the huge double doors. "Todoroki shouto?" "Yes" he stood for a while then looked at the other guard "the leader is inside awaiting for your presence you may enter" "thank you" I quickly say as I walk in through the doors with Momo behind me following.

"Todoroki shouto... personality as cold as ice, a half and half bastard, son of endeavour the boss of the so- called gang cold fire. And I hear you the soon to be leader of the gang correct?" The male say sitting his chair at the very end of this rather long table. "Yes. But I will only become leader once we finish this peace treaty so I wish to get this over and done with" I say without making a single other expression besides my usual one that Momo keeps nagging me about every so often. "Tch your no fun eh. Oh well I would also like to get this over with I've got other important shit to do than this"

In the first half of it, it goes by smoothly. Talking about what we would be doing and how we will doing it if one of us were to be in trouble and need help as well as discussing other things related to the topic until. "LEADER BAKUGO!" One of the guards burst into the room yelling. "what! Can't you see I'm busy!" "But sir! It's really import-" he got cut off by a sudden loud explosive sound. " what the fuck was that!" Bakugo had now started to get out of the chair he sat in and began to run out of the room "Momo let's go!" Momo and I begin to also run out to find out what all the commotion was, and what I see surprises me a lot. I see my gang and bakugo's gang having a full battle between each other and I have no idea why.

"What the hell is your gang doing fighting my gang!" "What! How would you know if it's MY gang fighting YOURS and not the other way round!" I started getting furious and confused. Why were they fighting? Who started the fight? Why aren't any of them stopping either? So many question were going through my mind that I was practically in a daze and didn't realise that gun shots started firing everywhere which lead to me getting my arm shot. I fall to the ground in pain as Momo starts to also shoot. Bakugo then begins to walk up to me and grabbed me by the collar and pulled me up "look here you half and half bastard you better explain to me right now what the fuck your gang is doing!" I just look him dead in the eyes not flinching by his outburst "listen here asshole I done know what's going on either okay! I would also like to know what your gang is doing considering you wanna keep asking what my gang is doing and who knows maybe yours started it in the first place." He let's go and stood quiet but was still furious and before I knew it bakugos fist came flying to my face which made me lose a bit of balance, after a while of fist fighting with Bakugo he had pulled out a pocket knife and started slashing it around making me have to jump up and around trying to doge it. It would sometimes make small scratches here and there on myself but nothing too serious.

"DIEEE!!" Bakugo began yelling over and over 'why is he just saying die?' I thought to myself. We stop both out of breath panting and wheezing like we were about to faint from not having enough oxygen. "I think *pant* we sho-should just *pant* STOP!" I protested making him look down to the ground.

he was quiet. Too quiet I started feeling uneasy with this, the background was slightly still audible for me as it was a bit faint and dull due to me being out of breath. My vision was getting all fuzzy and blurry.

I look up to the sky with my hands on my hips and close my eyes with a deep sigh being released from my mouth. As I look back down I see Bakugo charging at me full speed, so quick that I didn't really have enough time to react so I had ended up being tackled to the ground twisting my ankle slightly not much but it still stung a lot.
"Don't you know the first rule of fighting you half and half bastard!" Bakugo said as he stood a top me looking down at me with the biggest grin on his face "it's to never. Ever. What so ever. LET YOUR FUCKING GUARD DOWN!!" Bakugo Shapiro's at the top of his lungs before slamming and his foot down and stomped on my ankle I had just twisted "GAAAHHHH!! FUUUUCCKK!!" I started screaming my lungs out this time from the sudden impact of pain coming from my ankle.
My eyes started getting heavy as my vision turned to darkness.

I awoke to being in a car but it wasn't mine 'where the hell?' I thought to myself as I felt someone sitting a top me. "WHAT THE FUCK!!?" I yelled as I look up and se that Bakugo was sitting on top of me and my arms were also being sat on so I couldn't do anything. "Ohoho. I see you have awoken"
Bakugo just looked down at me with a smug ass look "where the hell-" I got cut off from Bakugo.
"Just away from my territory is all"

After saying that the two in the front had stopped the car and got out of the car and coming to the back seats and throwing me out of it causing me to wince at the pain. "It was fun while it lasted but I've other shit to do that's a lot more important than you, you barstad." And with that he left.

Sorry for this really late update I thought I would have finished sooner but I was really busy over the holidays and school is starting soon so it makes it a lot more harder to keep up also I didn't spell check it and all ya. Any-who laters my children!

"Florist" "Gang" ||TODODEKU.       (RE-WRITING)Where stories live. Discover now