Just go!

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Is this me updating faster than usual??!
:O    UwU !!

Midoriya POV
After that very awkward moment with Todoroki (more like myself) we just decided on opening the shop soon, with me doing the usual such as moving the pots around and as well as some of the boxes and what not, and watering the plants etc.

Except it was different this time. Todoroki kept on insisting on helping with opening the shop up by moving the heavy stuff I would struggle with, after having a small disagreement with the taller about helping I just gave up and let him do what he wants.

"If you hurt yourself or make the wounds worse I won't say you deserve it but I will say 'I told you so!' You got it?" I'd explained to him looking up as he was much taller than I as he was holding a box he just simply nods while walking in the direction I had told him to place it down.

1. 1/2 hours later.  At the flower shop

Hours had passed and soon came in my two lovely ( and slightly annoying at times) best friends. "HIYA! SENPAI, TODOROKI!!" Uraraka has yelled across the shop from the back door as I was on the other side of the room

"Hi senpai, Todoroki" kirishima quietly says, well more like mumbles but I was still able to understand him, whilst bowing a little "senpai did you need anything to be done?" He says shyly looking up

"No thank you, Todoroki here already did most of the things that needed to be done this time!" I reply to the red head with a genuine smile plastered on my face

"OOH!" The pink cheeked girl suddenly speaks whilst having a smile on her face literally jumping so high she could nearly touch the roof honestly! "What if you and Todoroki here go out to eat while Ei and I work the shop a bit, and you could maybe get some clothes for him too, because we all know how much bigger he is than you and I doubt he would want to wear his clothes again and all the time, although I know for a fact you do the laundry a lot but I wouldn't like it if I were to stick to wearing the same clothes all the time!" She suggests. And honestly....she is right. I mean I wouldn't want to either

"Mm.." I thought for a bit though before making the plan official "but are you sure you guys can manage the store alone! I mean you guys have never done it before without me at least being in the house?!!" It's not like I'm trying to find an excuse to stay but seriously though! The last time I left them alone while I literally went across the street to give the flowers an elderly man who ordered them for his wife for Valentine's Day who lived across the road, I turn around to see the two running out of the shop with the money box, some flowers and a fire extinguisher!! How did it happen? I DON'T KNOW! How did the fire start when it's a flower shop and not a restaurant?? Again. I. DON'T. KNOW!!

"I super duper, DUPER promise with extra sprinkles and a cherry on top and cross my heart that nothing will happen AT ALL!!!" The brunette inquires with right arm in the air and her left over her heart flat palmed "please senpai! I can do it, well we can do it! Just trust us and go shopping with and for the poor man!"

"I swear to god. If I get a call saying the place has been burnt down to the ground! You. Are. Fired." I threaten for once in my little with a serious face but my lips perked as it is a habit I do when I'm mad


"Oh. Yeah ok I promise too then"

After settling things with the two younger ones, Todoroki and I head off to the mall

1 hour later

"So uhh. Now what?" The bicolored hair asks while looking around like when your in an awkward conversation and don't wanna make eye contact with the other party

"I, uhh.... guess we look for clothes?" I said more as a question than anything

And just like that we set of on a dreadful journey to do hopefully not a lot of shopping, but knowing me I will most likely get carried away during it

Sorry for having this chapter being so short but I've got like so many assignments due and unfinished homework so ya. Better than nothing!

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