Chapter Thirteen

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"Wow, babe that was amazing.." you breathed into Demi's ear.
She was laying next to you, naked and you couldn't keep your eyes off her body. It's just so toned and curvy!

"Hey genius, my eyes are up here." Demi said with a laugh.

"I'd say sorry, but I'm not really all that sorry. It's not my fault you're hot."

"You sure know how to flatter a woman, Cailyn."

You move closer to her and kiss her nose. You're still trying to process that you just had sex with Demi Lovato, your idol/best friend. It's a dream come true.

"Come on babe, I'm hungry." Demi says as she crawls out of bed and starts getting changed.

You smile and start pulling your clothes on. You hear the front door open then close and wonder what Demi's up too.

When you walk into the kitchen a few minutes later, you find Naya sitting in Demi's kitchen with Demi's sitting next to her, on the floor. You walk closer and see that Naya is crying.

"What's going on?" you ask cautiously.

"S-Sean ended o-our engagement." Naya sobbed into her hands.

"Shh, it's okay. He's just an ass seriously Nay." Demi said in a soothing voice.

You sit down next to them and watch, not knowing what to do. Naya leans forward and hugs you. You wrap your arms around her, confused why she's leaning on you instead of Demi. You look over at Demi and see her watching you with a weird expression on her face. You shrug a little at her and keep holding Naya, as she cries into your shoulder.

A little later, after Naya cried herself out then passed out on Demi's couch, you and Demi sit on her back porch together.

"I feel so bad for her, shes so in love with him." You say while looking at Demi.

"Yeah I know, I hope that never will be us."

"Never baby. I promise." you smile and lean over to kiss her.

She kisses you softly then grabs your hand. "Come on, let's go check on Naya then make her cinnamon rolls. They always make you feel better, maybe they will with her too!" she laughed as she started walking back in the house.

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