Chapter 2: Christime in Ceres

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opening theme: Slade – Merry Xmas Everybody


Dammit, why the fuck does it always have to snow like mad this time of year?! Despite the fact that Riki's bike was in fact a hover-bike, hovering slightly above the ground, and thus there was no risk of it slipping on the icy highway the snow seriously hindered both his vision and his ability to properly manoeuvre his bike. Although arguably his problems with manoeuvrability might also have had something to do with the extreme, neck-breaking speed he was flying at. Ever since the Tanaguran Blondy asshole had let him go several months back, he had felt like he was letting his fellow Bison gang members down because he simply had not been his usual fierce, spirited self. So now that the yearly festivities, if any activity taking place in the slums could really be called that, of Christime were approaching Riki wanted to make sure that he could get his hands on some decent presents or at the very least some good food and better booz than what they were used to in Ceres. And the only place a mongrel could possibly get stuff like that was Midas.

Unfortunately the best opportunities for obtaining such goods were also in the areas most patrolled by the notorious Midas cops known as the Darkmen. Moreover in the area Riki had chosen for his thieving purposes, a very touristic area called Sasan, the even more feared Vigilante Corpse of Midas were often active as well, especially during the holidays because then these Midas folks had nothing better to do apparently. The only advantage he had over these guys was his lack of a PAM-device, a chip all Midas citizens were obligated to wear that tracked their movements and made it impossible for them to venture outside of their designated area. Riki more or less felt sorry for those poor bastards, after having experienced what it was like to have to wear a pet ring with a gps-tracker while under the tyrannical "care" of Iason Mink. Riki shivered and momentarily flew single-handedly in order to zip up his leather jacket, although he wasn't certain whether it was the cold breeze or the bone-chilling thought of the elite that momentarily caused him to shiver. Sure is bloody cold this year. I ought to get us some lighters and burnable materials while I'm here. Hell maybe I can even score us a space heater if I'm lucky. But there was no such luck, as Riki was sneaking around one of the busier malls in the area he noticed that the place was literally crawling with cops. Shit, how am I supposed to get anything with these fuckers around every corner?

After prowling about for half an hour or so, Riki decided to give up and settle for a less frequented shopping street not too far from the Midas city gates, meaning he could probably manage a fast exit if trouble were to arise. As he was checking out the shopping window of a clothes store, he briefly wondered what the hell was up with all of those weird-ass spiky trees in there. Why would people want to buy something like that anyways? What were they actually for? Were they meant to be put on display or something? Must be some weird kind of fashion trend, although it was rather odd that they always appeared to be popping up around the same period. Using said strange trees as cover Riki actually succeeded in entering the store unnoticed, meaning the hardest part was over: now all he had to do was hide something under his jacket and get back out again without any alarms going off. It was crazy what he actually had to go through just to get something decent to drink, eat and wear. After having lived in Tanagura for three years Riki had to admit that it sure was easy to get sufficient nutrition while living there. Although arguably no proper clothing but at least there was central heating. Yet the price he'd had to pay for those luxuries had simply been too high. Shit, I wonder what that elite prick is up to right now? He's probably at some fancy party or something, sipping a glass of freely offered bubbles and talking bullshit to some big-shot moronic idiot. And of course everyone's licking his feet and kissing his ass wherever he goes. Tsch, it's simply disgusting how some people just have no self-respect whatsoever.

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