Chapter 23

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We were on our way back home from camping and Harry had the worst hangover and I was so tired still so Niall gave me a piggy back to the house.

As soon as we got in we were wanting to plan out Jade and Zayn's wedding.

We arrived at the house and ran to our rooms to get changed.

"How are you're clothes wet Lauren hahah?" Niall laughed.

"Maybe because it's raining outside Niall" I laughed back.

"Awwww babe, you wanting to borrow my clothes?" he asked.

I couldn't say no. Niall's clothes were the comfiest!

"Yeah. They're so comfy. And they smell like Armani Mania" I smiled and he laughed.

I chucked on Niall's grey cottons, his Crazy Mofo t-shirt, I wore my white converse and then Niall gave me his red snapback hat.

We walked downstairs to see everyone sitting on the couches with a change of clothes.

Niall was now wearing another pair of his grey cottons, his DOPE t-shirt, his white high tops and a green snapback.

Everyone was wearing almost matching outfits.

Jade was wearing one of Zayn's OBEY t-shirts, light blue denim jeans, white converse and Zayn's purple snapback.

Zayn was wearing one of his other OBEY t-shirts denim jeans and white high tops.

Katie wore a striped blue and white t-shirt, red skinny jeans and grey vans.

Louis wore the exact same.

Harry was wearing his grey top that says "Love" on the t-shirt pocket, grey cottons, white converse and a grey beanie.

Liam wore his green Jack Wills hoodie, brown chinos and white high tops.

Everyone was sitting on the couches just having a laugh until Katie said

"So when are we planning Jade's wedding?"

That moment in time, the room filled with silence.

"Well, we boys can't do that sort of stuff, so we'll just go out a walk or something to the beach" Zayn said.

"Ok, just make sure you're all back soon!" Jade said as they left.

The good thing is, the beach was just right in front of our house. Kind of like a front garden.

Niall's P.O.V

"Hahahaha" Louis laughed at Zayn falling.

"Louis shut up you idiot" Zayn said punching Louis playfully.

We were already dressed for the beach underneath our clothes.

We ran towards the water and took our clothes off until we were wearing our swimming shorts and jumped in to the sea.

After everyone stopped laughing at Louis falling down a deep part in the water, me, Harry and Zayn got out of the water and went to go lie on the sun chairs and left Liam and Louis.

"So mate, you and Jade officially engaged yeah?" I asked Zayn.

"Yeah man. So happy I finally done it" Zayn said lying back smiling.

"What about you and Lauren Niall?" Harry asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Well, aren't you going to ask Lauren?" Harry asked.

"Yeah I will but like, not now, I mean I need to wait until the right time" I replied.

"Mate, you're right time is roughly now. If you want to let her slip out of your hands anyway" Harry said.

"Thank you man. I appreciate your help" I said smiling.

He smiled and nodded.

Lauren's P.O.V

We were still planning Jade's wedding when the boys came back and Niall looked upset.

"Girls, can you excuse me for a minute?" I asked and pointed at Niall.

They smiled and nodded.

I gestured Niall to come up to our room to talk.

I walked behind Niall and shut the door behind us as he sat on the bed and I stood in front of him.

"What's wrong Nialler?" I asked holding his hands.

"It's em.. nothing. Yeah..Nothing" he stuttered.

"Niall, there's something wrong. I know you" I said smiling at him and he nervously smiled back.

"Will you ever leave me?" he asked sighing.

"What? No! Why would you think that?" I asked laughing.

"Just because Harry said that you'd be expecting a ring and stuff and if I didn't give you one and asked you to marry me you'd probably leave me" He rushed.

"Wowwwww, slow down. I wouldn't leave you Niall, ever. I do want one obviously, but if you don't want to that's fine" I said smiling at him and he smiled back.

"I love you princess" he said kissing me.

"I love you also Niall" I smiled.

We walked downstairs to the living room and everyone was sat watching Finding Nemo.

"Hello cupcake" Louis said from beside me.

"Why do you keep calling me cupcake Louis?"

"Because when I bit you, you tasted sweet and sugary. Like a cupcake" he explained.

"So everyone has a taste?" I asked looking around.

"Well apparently yes" Liam said.

"What did I taste like then?" I asked.

"CUPCAKE!" Louis shouted.

"Lemonade" Liam calmly said.

"Candy floss" Harry laughed.

"Like, strawberries" Zayn said.

"Everything I love" Niall said smiling.

"Awwwwwwwww" everyone said making Niall go bright red.

"What time is it?" Jade asked.

"It is 3:00am" Liam replied yawning making the rest of us yawn.

"I think it's time to go to sleep, yeah?" Zayn asked.

We nodded and walked upstairs.

Every night I'd just wear one of Niall's tops to bed since it was comfy and it smelled like, well..Niall.

"Night princess" Niall said kissing my forehead.

"Night Nialler" I said back falling straight asleep.

Sorry, this chapter is so shit. I just wanted to get on to the next chapter.

Katie's P.O.V is the next chapter.

I'll finish more soon☺️.


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