Chapter 2: Class Clown kisses me and Travis knows everything

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It was after school. I saw Travis talking to Alexia. She yelled something at him but I couldn't hear. Then she ran away. I turned away and continued reading my book. Percy Jackson Greek Gods. It came out a few days ago. I was on chapter Zeus.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey Mal" I turned around closing my book. "Oh hi" I said confused.

The boy in front of me was tall. He had glasses and blue eyes. Freckles crossed his nose. Tan skin, as if he had just come from the beach.

His name was Mason. Class clown of the grade. He was in two of my classes.

He was paired up with Kriss Roberts for the Greek Gods project. She was Alexia's best friend and the second most popular girl in the grade.

"So Mal I was wondering if you wanted to be partners for the Greek Gods project? Kriss is nice and all but I'd rather be partners with someone who knows what she's doing. We can ask Mrs. Pepperton if we can switch" Mason smiled shyly.

Mason was one of the decent boys in my school. He was smart for a class clown. His dimples got all the girls but he never dated anyone. People said it was because he was secretly dating Kriss.

I knew that wasn't it because Kriss is very loyal. And she's been dating Alec Screiver since the school dance.


I looked at Mason. "Well...maybe...I'll see how the first day is with Travis. Ya know, see if he's a good partner. If he isn't then I'll partner up with you alright?" I smiled. He smiled back, his dimples showing.

"Awesome! See ya around!" He kissed my cheek then ran off.

I stood in shock staring off in the direction he ran off in.

What the Hades just happened?


I was at Travis's house. We had come back from the library and were working on the project.

"Here I think this book might help" I said handing him a book I had found at the library.

Travis glanced at it. "I've already read that." He said.

"Oh...okay" I was almost done with one book. But i was really distracted about what had happened after school, with Mason.

"What's buggin ya?" Travis said setting down the book he was reading.

"What? Nothing! Nothing is bugging me. I'm perfectly fine!" I said quickly and mentally smacking myself.

Travis rolled his eyes. "Malia tell me"

I ended up telling him everything. Mason's offer and the kiss.

" you like him?"

"I don't know..."

"Well...are you gonna take up his offer...?"

"I don't know!" I yelled.

I sighed. "Sorry"

"It's okay. How about we stop working for now and we watch a movie? I have some ice cream and I know the perfect movie."

When I came home I was crying. The movie was The Fault In Our Stars.

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