Chapter 5: Something's Coming

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The next day, I woke up to a small creature jumping on my stomach. "Wake up!" Kit screamed and she jumped again.

"IM UP IM UP" I groaned sitting up and knocking her down into my lap. "What time is it?" I said groggily.


"Shush my family might hear you" I whispered.

"No they can't. You and any other of the Chosen are the only humans that can see or hear guardians."

"Oh...still keep quiet"

I got out of bed and started getting ready for school.


I hopped off the bus with Kit on my shoulder. Nobody could see or hear her.

Or at least that's what I thought.

I was a little late so I ran to first period which was with Mrs. Pepperton. I sat down in my seat in front of Travis a little after the late bell.

"Malia you're late" The teacher said.

"I know I'm sorry. My bus got here late" I said.

Kit was standing on my shoulder and looking around the classroom. She started staring in one direction but I couldn't see what she was staring at.

"Okay everyone," Mrs. Pepperton said after taking attendance. "You may work on your projects with your partner now"

I turned around and looked at Travis who had a strange look on his face of...surprise maybe?

The look quickly disappeared and was replaced with a smile. "I see you are still my partner" He said.

"Yup" I said popping the p.

Suddenly Kit whispered in my ear, "something's coming"

"What?" Travis said. I looked at him. "Huh?"

We both laughed but my laugh was fake.

"Hang on a sec Travis I gotta go to the ladies room" I smiled falsely.

He laughed. "Okay I'll just take some notes"

I grabbed the pass for the restroom and looked at Mrs. Pepperton who nodded at me. I walked out of the classroom and walked through the empty halls.

Soon I was in a bathroom stall talking to a flying guardian creature thing. Kit (duh)

"What's coming?" I whispered quickly

"Something bad" was all Kit said. She stayed quiet.

"Mal? Is that you? Who are you talking to?" A voice said. Alexia.

"Yeah it's me. I was just...practicing lines for a play I'm writing. You know how I'm in the theater arts program. One of our assignments is to a write a play" I lied

"Oh. Okay" Alexia said.

I flushed the toilet and walked out of the stall. Alexia was doing her makeup in front of one of the mirrors.

"Hey" I said softly. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

"Hey" she smiled and went back to the normal nice Alexia.

"So how's everything going?" I asked and started washing my hands. Kit sat on my head.

"Not so great..." She said softly.

"What's wrong?" I asked looking at her.

"It's just...I feel like Travis doesn't like me anymore...I'm thinking about maybe breaking up with him..." Her eyes started getting watery.

"Oh. Well I think you need some cheering up. How about after school we get some pizza and hang out at my house?" I smiled.

Alexia smiled "I would like that" she said and blinked the tears away.

"I need to get to class. See ya after school!" I smiled and waved at her. She smiled. "See ya!"

I ran out of the restroom and into my classroom. There was a kid sitting in the usually empty seat next to mine. I sat down in my seat and looked at him.

He had black hair, really green eyes, and pale skin. He smiled at me with shining white teeth. "Hey there" he winked at me and I blushed.

Mason sat in the seat behind the new kid. He looked angry about something. Travis poked my shoulder. "That's Steven. He's new."

"I can introduce myself Travis" Steven said smiling. He looked at me. "I'm Steven Dreads" he said and held out a hand for me to shake.

"Malia Bowerson but everyone calls me Mal" I said shaking his hand.

I heard someone snore and looked around the classroom. Mason and Travis looked like they heard it too. Steven had a slightly angry look for about half a second but it disappeared.

I realized the noise was Kit. She had fallen asleep on my head.

Steven started talking to me. "The teacher said that I'm gonna join you and Travis for your project. Which is fine by me if I get to hang out with such a beautiful girl like you" he winked at me.

I blushed and Mason looked angry. I glanced at him. Maybe he really did like me...

Travis had been taking notes and reading a book the entire time. "Let's work on the project shall we?" I said to Steven. "But first I need to do something" I added.

I turned to my desk and ripped a small strip of paper from a big sheet of paper. I quickly wrote:

"Here's my number so we can text or something. I don't know. Also sorry about not being your partner. Maybe another time if you still wanna be partners.


I folded the note in half and handed it to Mason. He opened it and smiled as he read it.

I smiled and looked back at Travis and Steven. "Let's work on the project shall we?"

Long chapter yay! It took foreva!

Anywho WHAT do you guys think of Steven huh?

Lol *evil smile*

Kay bye cookies

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