01: Am I Dying?

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Louis wakes up in a.. room? It's not exactly a room. There's no walls, nor a ceiling. There's definitely a floor, because he'd most likely be falling if there wasn't.

He looks around at the blank, white room. "HELLO?" he shouts, and his voice echos for a few seconds before fading into the distance.

"Louis." someone calls out to him. He looks in the direction of the voice, and smiles when he sees his grandmother, who passed away a few months ago.

"Nana." Louis stumbles to his feet and runs toward her, pulling her in for a hug once he got close enough.

"You haven't changed a bit." She stands on her tiptoes to give him a kiss on the forehead.

Louis looks down at his grandma, then around at where the two of them stood. "Nana, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, of course."

"Wh-Where am I?"

"You're in the intersection."

"The interwhat?"

"The intersection. The spot in the universe where Heaven and Earth cross. This is where all Judgement Days occur. Where people either pass through to Heaven, or go back to their place on Earth."

Louis kept looking around, and noticed that everything was becoming clear to him. There was a long line of people, and there were benches all around. It was like being in an airport, just without all the planes and shops.

"Nan, what's with all of this? What happened? Am I dying?" Louis asked with fear.

"Here," She takes Louis' hand, "I'll show you."

In half a second, they were back on Earth, observing the crash. Louis' car was mangled, and firemen were struggling to get him out of it.

"A drunk driver hit you just as you were passing through a yellow light." Nan began to explain. "Your car flipped over a few times before finally landing in a ditch."

Louis' face resembled complete and utter shock as he saw himself being pulled out of the car. He'd always wanted to know what it'd be like to see his own face from someone else's perspective, and now he finally is. Even if it's not the best situation.

Louis blinked, his tears close to falling. "This can't be happening." He muttered to himself. He turns to his Nan.

"Nan, I want to go home. I want to go back to Earth, I can't stay here. I want to go back to my body."

They go back to the intersection to continue their conversation.

Nan shakes her head sadly. "Louis, I know what you were planning to do if you hadn't gotten into that car crash." She admits. "You were going to run away. Why?"

"I wasn't going to run away." Louis mumbles, staring at his shoes.


"Okay! I was only going to pack some things and drive down to Doncaster."

"Why were you going to do that?"

Louis sighs, sitting with Nan on one of the benches. "One Direction's management is forcing me to propose to Eleanor. I just want to be with Harry and not have to deal with anything."

"Louis," Nan started, "you knew what you were getting into when you signed that contract."

"I did know, but I didn't think that it would get this far! I didn't think that One Direction would become such a big thing!"

"Love, you can't keep expecting that life will be fair to you."

"I don't expect it to be fair."

"Then what do you expect it to be?"

"I expect it to be right." Louis raises his voice a bit. "I want to find love and happiness and freedom. I am successful, but my success is what's keeping me restricted! Within my success, I found management. Within management, I found irritation. Within my irritation, I found an extreme yearning for freedom, and whenever I bring it up, I just get let down!"

Louis looks to the ground, letting his tears fall. "All I want is freedom. That's all I want. Is that really too much to ask for?"

Nan takes his hand. "Come with me. I'll help you decide."

And back to Earth, they went.


Sorry for the EXTREME lack of updates. School has been difficult for me, as well as everything else going on in my life.

I made a new book cover for "Grenade" and "From Marcel to Harry", which is now called "Changes". I'm very proud of those two covers. The cover for this story is still kind of the same, I just put a bit of blur affect onto it. I am seriously really really really really rEALLY proud of it.

Okay. I'll see you guys soon.

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