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Two Months Later

"Abby's back!" Maddie cried from the living room of the girls' apartment. After they all moved back to Pittsburgh, they decided it would be good to catch up and get closer.

Also because they had to keep an eye on Maddie.

Maddie watched as her five friends filed into the small main room, wearing confused expressions on their faces.

"Maddie, what are you talking about? Abby's dead," Kenzie reminded her, leaving out the part where Maddie was responsible for it.

"No, she's not," Maddie argued, shaking her head. "I had a dream. She-she'll be here tomorrow."

The girls shared worried glances with each other. Did Maddie need to go back to rehab? "Dreams don't come true, Maddie," Kendall sighed.

The girls didn't know about Maddie's precognition. How she could see into the future in her dreams. And truth be told, it had happened before, it was bound to happen again.

"Mine do."

And to say the least, the girls where quite stunned when Abby Lee Miller knocked on their door the next day.

Turning Tables (Sequel to D.T.T.A.)Where stories live. Discover now