Chapter 2 || Panic Attack

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Maddie sat up with a jolt. She tried to wrap her mind around everything that had happened the past day. Abby was back, and Maddie wasn't a killer. With shaking hands, she picked up her shiny iPhone and unlocked it. Her screen read 3:07am.

It wasn't unusual for Maddie to wake up in the middle of the night. It just so happened that the times when she woke up was when it was hardest to cope with all the past events.

She dialed the number slowly, and held the device to her ear.

1 ring.....

2 rings....

3 rings.....

4 rings.....

5 rings.....

Voicemail. The sweet, innocent voice of Maddie's former friend pierced into her brain, once again. "Hello, you've reached Nia. I'm not able to get to the phone right now, please leave a message and I'll get back to you!"

Maddie hung up before it could start recording. She knew Nia was never going to be able to get to the phone....ever.

"Nia's dead," Maddie mumbled to herself, barely audible. "You killed her. You're so stupid and dumb, why would you do something like that? She was your friend, Maddie. Stop being so selfish."

The terrible thoughts continued to flood her brain, and it became harder and harder to breathe. Soon she couldn't breathe at all, and her intake of short breaths wasn't helping.

Mind racing and heart beating, she pulled her legs into her chest, sobbing uncontrollably. "It's all my fault," Maddie screamed. "Everything is my fault!"

She squeezed her eyes shut as tight as possible, in hopes to rid the bad thoughts from her brain. It didn't help. "Help me!" Maddie wheezed, gasping for air. "Help!" Tears continued to stream down her face, her body now full on shaking.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I'm sorry that everything is my fault, I'm sorry that I did this, I'm sorry I messed everything up. I'm sorry," she mumbled, her voice muffled by her knees.

"I'm sorry," she whispered again, her body entering a calmer state. Maddie began taking deep breaths, but still didn't release her knees from her chest, remaining in her uncomfortable, tight ball shape.

She stared at the ceiling until she fell asleep, mumbling nonsense to herself. Several minutes passed, and Kenzie quietly entered the room with a wet bath towel. Striding over to Maddie's bed, where she was sleeping peacefully, she placed the cool towel on her head. "It's okay, Maddie, just another panic attack." She sighed. "You're okay."


author's note: wow this chapter is like really personal because this has happened to me before and I swear it's so scary. if you have anxiety, you know how much it sucks.

any-who, I think I'm gonna double update tonight because I just came up with this awesome idea for the next 2-3 chapters it's going to be SO COOL OKAY. I hope you're liking it so far, happy Friday! I'm updating lots this weekend. THANK YOU FOR 100 READS YOU ARE THE COOLEST PEOPLE ALIVE DONT FORGET IT k byez

-caidawg yo yo yo

(ps do you realize how well the gif matches the chapter I feel v accomplished)

(pps I'm having a really hard time updating cuz my mental wattpad only saves changes the first time rn so I can't bold or italicize or edit it after I save the first time so I'm sorry if there's a mistake somewhere lolz)

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