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Though knowing what her mother told her the day before, cho still walked towards room 18, excited.

As she got nearer and peeked inside.

She was taken back as she saw a woman in her 30s beside nana.

Cho furrowed her eyebrows and walked away, too afraid to walk in.

She decided to write a letter.

At the end of the day, minutes before her mother ends her shift, cho ran to room 18 and slided the letter with jaemin's name scibbled on top underneath the door with a small biscuit with it.  She peeked in and the woman was still there. Cho looked over to nana who looked like an angel, his eyes closed.

Cho assumed he was getting a good rest.

And then, she went home with her mommy.

Dear nana,

I wanted to talk to you again today, nana but there is a scawy looking person with you.

Don't be sad. Please eat the biscuit, it will make me bery happy.

I'll come tomorrow, i prawmise.

smile ; jaemin ✔Where stories live. Discover now