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Hey everyone, don't forget to Follow me on instagram: luna_queen96

Emily's p.o.v

It has been ten minutes since anyone last spoke and we are still driving to the house. Just as I was about to say something, Alex beat me to it "Do you think there is a chance that you will ever forgive me?" As soon as the words left his lips, the tension in the car thickened. Can I forgive him? Do I WANT to forgive him? Deep down I know the answer to that question. I want to forgive him, I want my big brother back. But I can't just forgive him even if I wanted to. But then again, maybe, just maybe, I can forgive him. Even if I don't completely forgive him, maybe there is a chance we can salvage a relationship from our broken past. So, I replied truthfully, there is no point in lying.

"Yes. I'm not going to lie, there is a small chance that I might forgive you. But it won't be easy, at all. It would have to be very convincing and even if I DO forgive you, I know that I will never be able to truly forgive you and forget about the past, not with the reminders engraved in my skin." After I said that, the car was once again silent but this time the tension eased up. I'll give Alex a chance to earn my forgiveness, but I sure as hell won't make it easy for him.

Alex's p.o.v

I have a chance. That's all I needed, a chance to earn her forgiveness. And I am willing to do ANYTHING to get my little sister back and to right my wrongs. I know I can never fully make up for the mistakes I made, but even if she forgives me, I will still keep trying to make up for what I did and the time I lost. Now I just need to come up with something that is good enough to earn her forgiveness.

"Were here" I was abruptly pulled out of my thoughts by Emily's announcement. Me and Blake got out of the car and looked to the house. When I saw the house, I felt my jaw drop, it was HUGE.

 When I saw the house, I felt my jaw drop, it was HUGE

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We snapped out of the trance when we hear a giggle

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We snapped out of the trance when we hear a giggle. I looked in the direction of the heavenly sound and I saw Blake starring at my sister in awe and..... love?

Does Blake love my sister? He barely knows her. He better not hurt her. I would threaten him but he is still my boss and I can't earn Emily's forgiveness if Blake kills me. I will just have a civil conversation with him later. I looked back at the house and immediately all my previous thoughts were forgotten as I focused on the big and beautiful mansion in front of me.

"THAT'S YOUR HOUSE!!!" I yell, snapping Blake out of his trance. "Not yet, I just need to check a few things inside the house to make sure it looks like my design on the inside as well. Then I will pay for it" I looked at her shocked and not sure if I heard her correctly. "Did you just say you designed this?" Blake said, asking the question that was running through my head. "Not entirely, I just had it modified to suit my needs. Now come on, Angela is waiting inside for us" and with that she starts walking towards the mansion.

When we entered the house, a woman who looked to be around 30 years old entered the room we were in from what looks like the kitchen. "Hello Miss Spades" The woman who I am guessing is Angela said. "Hello Angela" Emily replied. "We have built the house to your designs. You are more than welcome to take a look around. Also here is a map of all the secret passages, their location and how you access them like you requested." SECRET PASSAGES!!!

Why the hell would Emily need that. I'll ask her about that later. "That is ok Angela, the house seems great and if I have any problems, I will just get someone to come in and fix it but I just want to make sure you designed the top floor exactly like the blue prints. I plan on making the top floor my room." The whole top floor!!! Well damn. That is all I can say right now.

"Yes, Miss Spades, everything is exactly to your designs including the home cinema, indoor pool and the bar." Of course, she has a cinema. "Good, I'll have the money transferred to your account now" Emily takes out her phone and calls someone. "Hello...... yes, transfer the money to their account.....well I'll deal with that problem when I get there but it will have to wait...... and tell the movers to get all the stuff here and to set up the house, I want it finished before Saturday morning.....ok, bye." She hung up and turned back to Angela who was looking at her tablet. "The money should be coming through now" Angela smiles and looks up from her tablet. "The money just came through, it was a pleasure doing business with you" she said, shaking Emily's hand, giving her the keys to the house then leaving.

Emily then turned back to us, threw her hands in the air the yelled "Welcome to me casa" in what I think was 'my house' in Italian. She then walked past us, out the door and then got back in her car. Me and Blake followed after her and asked her where to next and she simply replied "your house" not our house not home but 'Your house'. I just decided to drop it and think of ways to make it up to Emily.

When we got home, we all got out and Emily went straight up to her room saying something about paperwork. Must be work. Me and Blake walked into the lounge and saw Tyler, Chris, Levi and Nick on the couch. We greeted them before walking in to the kitchen. When Blake was getting us each a beer out of the fridge, I decided now would be the time to ask him how he feels about Emily, while we're alone.

"Do you like Emily?" I blurted out. Blake came up abruptly with two beers in his hand, his body had stiffened and tense. "What do you mean?" he asked trying to play the question of while opening our beers and handing one to me. "Do you have feelings for me sister?" I ask making my point clear. When Blake avoided eye contact and didn't answer my question, I knew the answer. But I needed to hear him say it to be sure.


CLIFFHANGER. Hey everyone, don't forget to Follow me on instagram: luna_queen96

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