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Hey everyone, don't forget to Follow me on instagram: luna_queen96

Emily's P.O.V

It is now 7:00pm and I am in the kitchen preparing dinner. Honestly, I don't normally cook this much. At all. After my friends introduced themselves to my other friends (yes, I consider Blake and his friends as my friends now) I heard some fighting, which was expected.

But after 10 minutes of war, my friends from Italy finally accepted that I forgave them, well, most of them (not Alex). They are actually getting along quit well. I even think that Nick has a thing for Lara. I know for certain she has a thing for him. She looks at him like a hungry tiger stalking its prey. Ok, not quit but you get what I mean.

Anyway, after I was sure they wouldn't kill each other, I had to go to the warehouse for a couple of hours to sort out some gang work. I got back about an hour ago. I showered, changed and started making dinner. Tonight, I am going to discuss the ball and everything they need to know about the trip, after that we can just get to know each other more and enjoy dinner.

While I was working, all I could think about was Blake and the time we spent together this morning. That was one of the few moments in my life that I had actually let my mask down, and I loved it. I loved that I could be myself, and he didn't judge me.

I'm Falling for him. I know that now and there is nothing I can do to stop it or slow it down. I can only hope that he will be there to catch me. I finished taking the last dish of the stove and left everything to cool off while I went upstairs to take another shower and get ready for dinner.

While I was at the warehouse, I was informed that the leader of the 'Soul Seekers' wanted to move the meeting from next Friday to Monday. It's fine with me so I informed them of a meeting place and time. We are meeting in the car park of an old abandoned building on the outskirts of town. We are only meeting up to make an alliance and set some rules, then I will be off and preparing for the ball considering we leave on Tuesday.

~~~time skip~~~

It was now 8:00pm and I am making my way down stairs for dinner. I opened the doors to the dining room that had all the food laid out on the table and everyone already around it.

Someone must have warmed it up and laid it out on the table for me. I took my seat at the table in between Dylan and Blake. We all made small talk for about five minutes before I decided it was time to brief them on the ball and the days in between now and then.

"We leave to Miami on Tuesday. We will be staying at a house that I own up there for 4 days. The ball is on Friday and we leave the next day in the early morning. After we arrive in Miami and settle into the house, we can go to the beach. We will be flying there and back on my private jets. One jet has enough room for all of us, but for the extra space, we will be splitting up into two groups and fly to Miami in two separate jets. The ball, as most of you all know, is Winter Wonderland themed. Me and Ashley already have our dresses and we already ordered Alex and Blake's suits as well. Blake is my date to the ball, and Alex, your date is Ashley. Any Questions?"

Everyone just shook their heads "Good, you will receive more information when we land in Miami and settle into the house. Let's continue dinner and after we can watch a movie or something" The rest of dinner, we were all just laughing and exchanging funny stories.

It was nice, it felt as if I had a family again. These people are my family, they give my life extra meaning. After dinner we watched a few movies in the entertainment room and the we all headed to bed.

~~~The next morning~~~

It is now 6:00am and I am getting ready to head to the warehouse to finish up the work that I had left from yesterday. I also plan on doing some extra work so that when I get aback from the trip, I won't be swimming in paper work. At 2:00pm I need to attend a company meeting and after, I need to take care of the work piling up on that desk too, so I should be back around 8:00pm. That gives me about an hour to get ready to go out with the girls tonight.

Every month, me and the girls, Ashley and Lara, go to the club for a girl's night out and every time, the boy's try to convince us to let them tag along. Fortunately for me, I won't have to listen to their nagging all day considering I won't be there for most of it. Unfortunately for the girls they have to go through it. Every year, their methods of convincing us gets worse and worse.

Two months ago, they were pulling pranks on us the whole day, refusing to stop until we agreed to let them come with us or at least tell them what club we are going to. We didn't cave in, and to get our revenge, we redid every prank they pulled on us accept 10x worse. And the best part was that they new what was coming next, but despite their best efforts, they couldn't escape. And when they thought we were finished with them, as we had completed every prank the pulled, we knocked them out, stripped them down while they were only in their boxers, put them in blow up hamster balls and left them to wake up the next day in the middle of the mall.

I wonder what they will do this month. That was my last thought before I got into my car and drove to the warehouse and got to work.

Blake's p.o.v

I woke up at 9:00am and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I walked towards the kitchen when I heard Emily's friends talking amongst themselves. "Pleeeaaase let us come this year." I heard one of the boys beg. "No" Lara deadpanned "At least tell us where you are going this time? Emily is not here; we won't tell her you told us. PLEEAASSSEE" What were they talking about and where is Emily?

"No, and don't you dare try and follow us again this month, or what we did to you guys last time look like a simple pinch." I decided it was time for me to enter the kitchen and get some answers. I opened the door and all eyes snapped to me. I looked at everyone and realized that none of my close friends are here and that Emily is also missing, just like they said. I know my friends are most likely still sleeping but I have absolutely no clue where Emily is. And honestly, that bothers me. A LOT. Not know where she is stresses me out, she could be in danger. She should be here, or at least with me so that I can protect her.

"What are you talking about and where is Emily?" I asked, snapping everyone out of their state of shock. "Emily is at work, she will only be back later tonight to get ready for tonight" Justin said with a little pout at the end. "What is tonight?" I asked. "Tonight, is the time of the month...." Eric takes a very dramatic deep breath, like he is delivering horrible news, before continuing. "The time of the month when the girls have their "night out". No one knows what they do or where they go because they only come back the next day and never tell anyone anything about their night. Every month we try different things that might get us to come or at least find out where they go, but every month our plans fail." Eric exclaimed with a dramatic sigh at the end.

Maybe me and my boys can help them out this month, after all, I'm a little curious myself. Besides, she has a bounty on her head. I'm not stupid enough to let her go without any extra protection.

After Breakfast the girls left and I explained to the boys that I wanted to help them. They agreed and we left the kitchen to wake the others up and come up with a plan.

By 11:00am we had a plan. When Emily was leaving, I would 'bump' into her and slip a tracker in her purse. Me and the boy's will then wait for ten minutes before we follow the tracker on my phone to whatever club they choose. In the time we have to wait, we will also be getting dressed in our clubbing cloths to make it look like we were just going to have a fun night out and ended up at the same club as them. It was perfect, and now, all we have to do is wait for Emily to come home. Since she is coming home later tonight and it is only 11:02, I decided to go to the gangs' warehouse and crack down on my work too. I set an alarm to make sure I get back to the house in time before Emily leaves. I can't wait.

Heyeveryone, don't forgetto Follow me on Instagram: luna_queen96

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