Chapter 4-Wednesday, February 9th

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Yoshiki sat in the cafeteria waiting for his friends to get their lunch. He saw them all standing together in the line, fooling around, as usual. Satoshi was first, with Shinozaki next to him. Behind her stood Nakashima and Shinohara. Shinozaki was standing awfully close to Satoshi, and kept saying things that would make him laugh. This was making Yoshiki progressively more and more angry. That was his woman.

"May I sit?" Morishige asked from beside him, bringing him back to his senses.

"Yeah, go ahead." He replied, without breaking his gaze on Shinozaki.

"Why aren't you sitting with Mayu?" he asked.

"She said she needs some alone time." he replied, "She wouldn't to the bus stop with me yesterday and she didn't 'accidentally' leave anything in my bag like she usually does. I know she's not telling me something." 

"Huh, weird." was all Yoshiki could say in response. He'd always been jealous of Morishige for having such a smooth relationship with Mayu, as his with Shinozaki was pretty rough.

"Yeah. Did I do something to make her mad?" Morishige asked.

"I don't know." A few moments of silence passed. "Excuse me." Yoshiki said breaking the silence. He got up and headed to the washroom.

Once he got there he locked himself in a stall and leaned on the door. 

'Some real weird shit's been happening lately.' he thought to himself.

'Now that I think about it, Shinozaki has been keeping her distance from me since yesterday afternoon. Every time she sees me she just leaves the room. I don't know what's gotten into her.'

-Transition to the lunch line-

"This line is so damn long." Naomi complained. 

"More time to be with Mochida-kun!" Seiko said excitedly. 

Suddenly Naomi felt someone push her from behind, probably Seiko trying to get her closer to Satoshi. Instead, Naomi  accidentally pushed Ayumi into Satoshi...causing their lips to meet.

-Transition to Yoshiki and Morishige-

Yoshiki returned to the cafeteria, and was greeted by the worst sight. Shinozaki was full-on kissing his best friend! Hurt and anger boiled up inside him. He felt himself clenching his fists.

"Satoshi, you bastard." he said under his breath, tears welling in his eyes.

Fuming, he turned on his heel and left the cafeteria. 

Morishige, who saw the whole thing, stood up to follow him out.

-Transition to the lunch line-

Once Ayumi and Satoshi realized what was happening they pulled away from each other, and said a few awkward apologies. Out of the corner of his eye, Satoshi saw Yoshiki's unmistakable blonde hair storm out through the cafeteria doors. (Well not just his hair...ugh, you probably know what I mean)

"Shit, he saw." Satoshi said to himself before running after his friend.

"Mochida-kun, are you going after him too?" Satoshi heard Morishige ask from beside him. 

"Just follow me." Satoshi replied, and they both trailed Yoshiki out of the cafeteria.

-Transition to Yoshiki-

Yoshiki continued down the halls towards the exit. As he passed through the Junior High hallway, he felt someone tugging on his sleeve.

"Yoshiki, Onii-chan. Are you alright?" I looked down to see Yuka's big blue eyes staring up at me, causing all my bitterness to melt away.

"I'm okay, thank you, Yuka." he replied, patting her head, and continuing down the hallway. He wasn't going to stop until he made it out of this wretched building.

"Yoshiki!" he heard Satoshi call out from behind him. Great. The last person he wanted to talk to right now.

"Kishinuma!" Morishige's slightly quieter voice followed. 

'Oh, amazing, he brought you too!' Yoshiki thought to himself.

He finally reached the front doors and pushed them to the side with all his strength, smashing them against the side of the school, causing the ground to shake slightly. Satoshi and Morishige still trailed him through the doors.

Satoshi saw Yoshiki sitting alone on one of the benches in the courtyard. 

"Hey! Yoshiki!" No response. "Please, let me explain what happened back there! It was an accident I swear!" Satoshi was practically begging for him to listen.

"Sure it was." Yoshiki mumbled angrily. 

"He's not lying, I saw the whole thing." Morishige said, his voice still showing no sign of distinguishable emotion. "Shinohara pushed Nakashima and then she hit Shinozaki and-"

"And she hit me!" Satoshi cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "Please, Yoshiki! I'm so, so sorry!" He seemed to be on the brink of tears. Morishige just rolled his eyes.

No answer from Yoshiki.

And then something completely out of the ordinary happened.

Morishige's normally perfectly calm expression changed. He walked up to Yoshiki and slapped him across the face. 


Yoshiki was in utter shock.

"Yeesh, Morishige. You've got one hell of a slap."

"You think you've got it hard just because Shinozaki doesn't feel the same way about you? Do you know how hard it is to keep this straight face when...I-I'm in love with...with my best friend! There! I said it! I'm in love with Mayu!" Then he just gave a huge exhale. 

"Shit..." he mumbled, removing his glasses and wiping his eyes.

"Well...that's a side of you I never thought I'd see." Yoshiki said after a few moments' scilence. Satoshi stood wide-eyed, dazed from the whole experience.

That was when they realized all of them were standing in just their uniforms, out in the February snow. 

"We should probably go back now." Morishige said. His glasses were getting foggy. The three boys headed back through the front doors into the school.

"So you really like Mayu, huh?" Satoshi asked Morishige.

"Yup..." he said, sucking in his breath and running his hand through his blueish-silver hair. "but I'm not sure she feels the same about me."


"Hold on." Morishige stopped in his tracks. "This conversation stays between the three of us. If either of you tell anybody, I will..." he hezitated for a moment, "just don't say anything. Okay?"

The other two nodded.

"Good, let's go." and with that, they started off down the hall again.

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