Chapter 4

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"so you met him!" Kim screams gripping onto Grace's arm jumping up and down "yes and he's just so" She dazes off "no no don't spoil it for me you didn't even let me go in" Kim walks on linking her arm onto Grace's, "it's not my fault! He didn't do makeup today I only watched him from up far" Grace giggles.

Kim opens the gate of her house "oh by the way my older brother came home early today"she says as she opens the house door and places her bag on the table and walks further down the hallway "hey wait Kim!" Grace stumbles trying to catch up with her but is still ignored when Kim opens the sliding door into the garden "God dammit Tab put on a shirt my friend is here" Kim yells at him "sorry sorry" he grabs a towel and by then Grace finally caught up "I want food go by us burgers from Johnny's" Kim says and turns away but Grace is still stood mouth parted "hey there doll"Tab smirks winking at her "don't pay attention to him he reeks of dirt" Kim pulls Grace back inside "HEY I WAS HELPING OUT DAD HE WANTED A NEW FLOWER BED" he ran into the house.

"yeah sure" Kim laughs and starts taking books out as Grace tries to look away from her shirtless friend's brother who is starring at her smirking. "yeah he wanted to surprise mom" he glances at his little sister "what a romantic"she rolls her eyes still taking things out "runs in the family" he says in a lower voice, she looks up at him the way that he smiles his perfect pearl teeth just captivates her eyes, his golden sun kissed skin with blonde messy hair thats flowing in front of his light blue eyes, she keeps thinking as to how boys back home we're never like this even with their looks "just get use the god damn burgers Tab" Kim scoffs crossing her arms at him  "Alright alright on me what'd you like" he walks to his pile of clothes rummaging through it "two beef burgers, two fries and two chocolate milkshake"Kim says "and for you"he laughs turning to Grace "go jackass!"Kim pushes his and he laughs "be back in 30" he closes the front door after him.

"he's um" Grace stumbles on her words "don't say that jerk is cute he's a player" Kim huffs sitting down on the chair starting her work "player?" she tilts her head and opens a history book "like he kisses girls and wants to date them then he you know, gets what he wants and moves on to the next girl not even caring about her feelings, I can't believe I'm related to that scumbag" she contiunes writing, "aha, new word to my dictoriary" Grace chuckles out, they both go silent but all she could think of was Marlon how he kept smirking at her and flirting with her but today he acted as if she was another old short fat crew man, is he a player? of course he is I mean he's Marlon Brando how could he not be he's a famous actor.

"what time do you have to head home Grace" Kim breaks the silence "7" Grace replies closing her book and placing it in her bag "ok we have two hours left" she leans back "what do you think of Desi?" she plays with her eraser "he's nice" Grace frowns saying her words "I mean he doesn't say much" she shrugs her shoulders "exactly! I don't even feel like i have a boyfriend" she groans out "well why don't you just break up"Grace's words to Kim looked as though to murder him "I can't Grace! he was my first and only friend except you" she looks up at the curly haired blond "um but now you have me you won't be alone and also what's the big deal if he doesn't seem interested in you right now what makes you believe he would care if you left" Grace says quietly "you have a point" kim says pouting.

"food!" Tab places a bag in front of them "why are you wearing your army outfit" Kim says and takes out the food "I get a discount for my services" he says and takes out his food and plus out a chair in the middle of them "my dad is in the army too" Grace comments and bits into the burger "really? oh wait whats your last name?" he eats a fry " Murphy my dad is Audie L. Murphy" his eyes hidden "THEY Audie L. Murphy?!" he yells "sit down Tab... whats the big deal isn't he just some lieutenant?"Grace nods with Kim's comment " you don't understand he got the Medal of Honor, Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star he was in italy and france he killed like 240 germans, he's the most decorated american solider from world war 2, Grace can i please meet him" Tab holds Graces hand making her a deep red "sure... he's coming home from France tomorrow evening" he lets go of her hand "thank you so much" his grin was as big as ever.

so yeah he was a real solider all those facts are true 

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