Something to consider before reading

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So lately this book has gained a lot of attention and reads over the last couple of months and I wanted to address some snarky and butthurt comments and remarks I've been reading lately.

Guys, I WROTE THIS BOOK WHEN I WAS TWELVE YEARS OLD!!!  I literally wrote all of this in a High School Musical 2 Troy Bolton notebook over the course of my middle school years. I copy and pasted all of what was written in that notebook and did not go back and rewrite or change anything except the main character's name, which was originally my name. The reason being this; I wanted people to see how much my writing style has changed. For twelve year old me, this was a big deal. It may not have been an original story but it was the first story I ever really wrote. Yes, it's very cringe in some aspects, but we were all twelve once. We were all cringe. Some of us still are. I was proud of this story, and even now at almost 21 years old I do not need people bitching and moaning about how shitty the plot points are or how things don't make sense or how I'm a "fake Potterhead" because I bent the rules of Hogwarts a little bit. Guys, I was twelve. Chill the fuck out. It's JUST a story. More to the point, it's MY story. And if you have a problem with it, I suggest you not pursue this book any further. Go read something else that may be "worth your time." But, if you wish to continue, I trust you will keep an open mind. Again, and I cannot stress this enough...




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