Chapter 4: Out by the Frozen Lake

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Divination seemed to go on forever for the three of us. Professor Trelawney had assigned us all extra essay homework for being twenty minutes late to class.

"I blame you, Hermione!" said Ron as we left Divination. "If you hadn't gone after Draco, we wouldn't have extra homework!"

"It's your own fault for coming along anyway!" snapped Hermione. "If you had just went ahead and left me alone, you two wouldn't have homework. Me, I speed through my homework ten times faster than you two!"

"Come off it, Hermione!" I said. "Save your little lovers-spat for when I'm not around." Ron jammed his heel into my toe and I grimaced. Hermione blushed.

"Shut up!" she grumbled as she stomped the rest of the way down the stairs.

When we finally reached the bottom of the stairs, we noticed Hermione going in the opposite direction.

"Hermione!" I called. "We're going this way!"

"What are you talking about?" she asked as she walked back over to us. "The Great Hall is this way."

"We're not going to the Great Hall yet," said Ron. "We're going to visit Cassidy in the hospital."

"Oh!" said Hermione excitedly. "Okay, cool!" She immediately walked past us and began to jog down the hallway to the Hospital Wing. We could barely keep up.

Hermione was already there when we finally made it. She was sitting in a chair next to Cassidy's bed. They were hugging and talking and laughing. Hermione looked up first and saw us standing in the doorway.

"There you two are!" she said. Cassidy then looked up and saw me, her dark blue eyes sparkling as the flame of her bedside candle danced in her pupil. Her gaze was enticing. Her eyes looked happy, just like her smile.

"Hey Harry, Ron," she said. Ron and I pulled up some chairs and sat next to the bed.

"Tell them the good news, Cass!" said Hermione excitedly.

"Oh, right!" Cassidy replied.

"What good news?" I asked, looking from Hermione to Cassidy.

"I'm recovering ahead of schedule!" Cassidy exclaimed. "Madame Pomfrey is astounded! She's letting me out tonight!"

"Wow!" I said. "That's amazing! That's great!" I bent over her and hugged her. She hugged back. When I pulled away, she looked at me for a moment and smiled. Ron was smiling, too.

I felt my cheeks burn and quickly looked away in an attempt to hide. What was happening to me? Why was I acting so shy?

"That's great news, Cassidy!" said Ron. "But, how is it you're recovering so fast? You were expected to be in here for at least a couple of days."

"Dunno," she replied. "Madame Pomfrey doesn't have a clue. I'm just as shocked as you guys."

"Well, aside from that, we're all happy you're alright," said Hermione, hugging her again.

"Thanks, Hermione," Cassidy said with a smile.

"We'd better get going," said Ron. "I'm starving." Hermione rolled her eyes. Cassidy sighed in annoyance.

As much as I didn't want to leave, I had to. All I wanted was to stay there next to her and talk, just talk to her. I'd only known this girl for a day and already I felt something going on with me every time I looked at her. I knew I had to tell her at some point. I cared so much about her, but I was scared that she wouldn't feel the same way.

I was the last one out. I could feel Cassidy's eyes staring at me all the way out the door.

The rest of the day was a slow one for me. I was eagerly waiting for the time when we would be in the hospital to get Cassidy.

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