The Doors Of Your Mind

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The Doors of Your Mind, which I'm fairly certain originated on the Three Kings subreddit, is relatively low risk compared to a lot of other games and rituals;
basically it's a form of meditation, with the goal being simply to explore the contents of your own head.
Visualizing the interior of your mind as a long corridor with many doors and rooms shooting off of it allows you to take your time walking through everything,
potentially helping you sort out problems or maybe just learn something about yourself.

Be warned, though: There could be some unpleasant or downright nasty things lurking in there.
It's not unheard of for threatening personages to appear and lock you in one of the rooms — and getting locked in can sometimes... complicated things.
Also know that you don't have to open every door; if you get a bad feeling from one, you might want to leave it shut. Or something you might never see but are in your nightmare will come out
Who know maybe you would just see a mirror.

Never look behind you in this game

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