Chapter 1

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I breathed in the smoke that the pipe let out and held it in my throat for a little while. I put my douflebag behind my head and laid in the grass on my back, while letting all the smoke from my lungs out. My view of my kleets and long socks in the green grass. I wasn't laying in the middle of the field, but by a tree kind of isolated.

*ring* ring* ring*

I looked down at my phone to see it being a text from Syrinna, my best friend and basically sister. Her mom is my aunts best friend and were about the same age, well she's 16 and I'm 17, but we've known each other since we were little kids.

From Syrinna:

"Were the hell are you?!?! OMFG coach is gonna kick your ass you stoopid"

I just laughed at her use of the word 'stoopid'

To Syrinna:

"Tell him I'll be there in like 5 mins because I didn't have a ride"

Well it's true I didn't have a ride, but I only live about 5 mins from the park lol.

I tied my long dark brown hair back in a ponytail to get ready for softball practice. I was already in my practice uniform but I had to adjust it when I stood up and put the douflebag over my shoulder. To describe myself, I'm about 5'6, I have long brown hair that goes to the middle of my stomach, I'm in pretty good shape physically, like I have abs, but I don't eat healthy at all. I honeslty think I'm only skinny because I play softball and well, that's a workout, especially with my coach. Anyway, let's see...well I'm tanned but not like that orange tan it's more of a darker tan lol. So yea I guess that's it. Oh and another thing is I'm a lesbian XD

From Syrinna:

"You best be 5 mins away, damn or else I'll have to get all Sharkeisha on your ass"

I was laughing way to hard at what she said.

I was already at the park, but I was on the opposite side. At Vintage Park there a section for the basketball courts then to the right there's the disgusting bathrooms, then there's the playground where all the little kids play and behind the rock climbing tower thing, there's a path in the bushes which leads to a field, where I was, and past the field is the softball/baseball field.

I put my phone on silent and slid it into a pocket in my douflebag and put my pipe back in the Body Spray can it was in, so no one could smell it. i made my way around the side walk so I was coming from behind the dug out. I don't think coach noticed I'm late. All the girls were already stretching while Coach White was talking with the assistant coach, Coach Mike.

I put my douflebag in the dug out and ran as fast as I could to the circle of girls stretching.

"PARKER!" I heard someone shout as I slid my butt on the grass next to one of the girls.


"YEA?!" I shouted back so he could hear me

"GET OVER HERE NOW!" He shouted and it don't think he yelled so I could hear him, that yell was anger.

I just heard some of the girls chuckle as I stood up and walked back to home base, where the coaches where talking.

"Yea coach? What's up" I tried to say happily to calm him down.

"Amaaarraaaaa" he whined. "Your late AGAIN and I want you on the team, I really do, but you CANT BE LATE! UNDERSTAND?"

I tried not to cough because his breath smelt like shit omfg. This was so funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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