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isabelle's pov

"Gus! You don't even understand. Harry said that Taylor like kissed him and that he tried to pull away apparently. All men are gross and liars though."

He had a sour look on his face after I said that and I shook my head, "Kidding! Well, we're all liars but most men like to lie. Totally not the point. I feel like I could maybe try and start to trust him if he works hard enough. I'm a tough cookie, let me tell you."

"I think you're very tired and need a big fat nap." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't take naps. I sleep. Do you think my life has time for naps?"

"It had time to see your ex boyfriend that cheated on you and for some odd reason you're considering taking him back."

I put my hands to my heart and gasped, "That was a little uncalled for, but I like the authority. Also, I am not thinking about taking him back. I am going to maybe forgive him and see where that leads us. I mean, I already told him I can't stop loving him. What else is there to lose?"

"Patience? I don't know. He cheated on you. All cheaters say the other kissed them. I'm gay! I know how guys work. I am one!" He exclaimed and we walked up to my apartment door.

"Well, he told me that that's not even what really happened. He said that his management set him up and that the whole thing was staged. I sound like an actual teenage bitch who falls for shit her cheating boyfriend lies to her about, but Modest Management is crazy. You know that." I explained to him and I unlocked the door, walking into my apartment. I shut the door behind us and he nodded, seeming to agree.

"I mean, he seems genuine. He really does love you, I can see that. I just don't want your career getting ruined by you being distracted."

"Gus! He is part of a band and I'm a model. That just scream power couple and red carpets and success to me. Not to toot my own horn or anything."

He chuckles, "I suppose you're right. Well, I'm sure youll be fine tonight by yourself. I'm gonna head out. Go to sleep. You have a lot to do tomorrow. I feel like I'm your manager half the time."

I nodded, saying I am gonna head to bed after he left. He exited and locked the door behind him, leaving me to get ready for the exhilarating day I'm going to have tomorrow.

I decided to send Harry a text because I have a feeling he will be happy to know I'm fine and about to be asleep.

hey, just texting to say i'm at my apartment and about to go to sleep. i also wanted to say i had a good time today and i might be a little too busy tomorrow for lunch. i'll let u know in the morning

I walk into my bedroom and then remember the fact that I have a roommate.

"Quinn?" I call out and don't get an answer so I decide to call her.

The phone rings about three times before I hear her voice on the other end.

"Isabelle, hey. What's up?"

"Just wondering where you were."

"Oh, forgot to tell you. I'm at this lesbian bar and damn, there are hot girls here. I will probably not be home tonight."

"You're getting out of control." I scold her and change out of my uncomfortable clothing into pajama shorts and an oversized shirt. I throw my dirty clothing in the laundry basket and decide I'll just make a wash tomorrow.

I probably won't but it's nice to think I will. It's a really good procrastination method.

"How am I the one that's out of control?" She slurs, obviously having a lot to drink.

"Quinn, you're on of my best friends, but you come home drunk all the time and sometimes you just come home late afternoon from someone's house, smelling like cheap perfume. I don't need to stress about where you are all the time."

"Then don't." She says and the line clicks, indicating she hung up on me.

I roll my eyes and plug in my phone, brushing my teeth and climbing under my duvet, letting sleep overtake me fairly fast.

☼ ☼ ☼

harry's pov

Waking up when the sun was fully up and blinding me through the blinds was a first.

Well, the first time in a few weeks.

I've been waking up early every single day either from the uncomfortable sleeping arrange my me and the boys had, or because I had to record for the music video or album.

It's been hard to get a full nights rest in, but waking up this morning felt so nice. Although, it was nice, I have to admit I feel weird without the boys obnoxious and loud talking when I wake up.

It's usually used as an alarm clock for the past years. Whenever I hear Niall's laugh, I get up and hang out down with them.

I get out of bed and stretch out my legs and back, walking over to the bathroom to pee. After I flush, I walk back to my bed and scroll through my phone to see if I have any important notifications.

I see one text from Isabelle and my heart immediately skips a beat. I love seeing her name in my messages again. It almost feels like a complete breath of fresh air.

belle💗: hey, just texting to say i'm at my apartment and about to go to sleep. i also wanted to say i had a good time today and i might be a little too busy tomorrow for lunch. i'll let u know in the morning :)

sorry i fell asleep on this nice soft bed. i might be busy too with the boys but i would cancel 100 times over and over to be able to see you again

belle💗: ha you're very funny. someone's management wouldn't like that, now would they?

fuck them

belle💗: i guess. i'll text u in an hour or so since it's only 9 and i'll let u know if i have enough time to eat lunch with u

I sent her a thumbs up emoji and put my phone down, deciding that I have this suite to myself and that means this time when I order room service food nobody will eat my food except me.

I tend to have an issue with my mates eating portions of my food while I'm not looking and then not owning up to it.

I know it's Niall and everyone says it too, I just love him too much to yell at him.

The boy gets hungry.

I pick up the hotel phone and order french toast with sausage links and scrambled eggs, putting the phone down and hopping into the shower so I can get ready for the hectic day I feel approaching.

authors note:

me, posting another chapter within four days of the other?? rare and probably won't happen again but maybe this new year is full of changes.

happy new year!

this is kind of a filler chapter but also kind of cute and short (sorry lol)

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thank you sm

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