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What is Omegaverse?

   Omegaverse is a AU(alternate universe) in which males can get pregnant. In this system, there are three main roles: Alpha, Beta, and Omega.

**How do you know which you are?

1. at birth, the doctors will announce the gender(male or female). In some cases, you can pay to have a test done to determine whether the baby is an Alpha, Beta, or Omega. In others, you just have to wait until they are about 15 years old to find this out. So in a way, you have two genders. The male/female gender and the Alpha,Beta,Omega gender.

*What do the three roles do?

Alphas make up the 25% of the population thats why they are elite and rare.
The Alphas are the more aggressive ones out of everyone.
They are the larger, stronger ones, superior in everything they do best and the dominate ones in bed.
They are the males or females pumped full of testosterone. The females would differently from the males though. While the males already have a penis, females don't. Everything is different for the Alpha females. They have a small chance of getting pregnant at all. For Alpha males releases lots of semen and have knotting, which basically means the Alpha's penis enlarges at the base to lock the semen inside the Omega, giving them a better chance at breeding and producing offspring. Knotting last up to an hour, they be together for an hour. All Alphas have larger penises and are the ones to fight over an Omega.

Betas are the normal, everyday guy. 70% of the population are betas. They can still breed with other Betas, but they cannot breed with Omegas or get them pregnant. With a female and male Beta, they can reproduce that way. Sometimes even an Alpha and a Beta would be able to reproduce offspring.

5% is made up of  Omega's,  they are rarer than  an alpha.
Omegas are the softer and more gentle of these roles. They are the nurturing parents who raise their children and they are the only ones in here who can get pregnant besides Beta females. The female Omegas use their systems as normal, getting pregnant that way and then nurturing the child like they should. But for the males, it is very different. All Omegas go through heats, they go into heats every 3 months. During this time, they are most fertile. But the pre-heat is what the males have to go through. Since they only have one hole, their rectum, that is also doubling as protection for the female parts. During pre-heat, the parts start to grow after they empty their rectum completely. The reason they do it is so nothing gets stuck in the uterus. But Omegas are the smaller ones with less muscle and smaller penises if they are male. They love to take care of children and all that parenting stuff.

Rouge Omegas
Rouge omegas are the superior version of a  ordinary omega. They are super rare ones that can match with an alphas ability and skill but they are still inferior in bed. Out of the 5% omegas in population there are only 0.001% of a rouge omega present.

What is a heat?

    A heat is the time when the Omega is most fertile and ready to mate, or just hide away until the heat is over. If they have an Alpha mate, they will never leave their side unless they need to get their Omega food or water. Mainly, they have sex and then rest. They keep a watchful eye over their Omega, listening to them and caring for them. But in bed, they still are the dominate ones. If an Omega has no mate, that could be dangerous to even leave the house. They could get raped and forced into all of this, even if they protest and try to run. So they basically lock themselves in a room and use many toys to get through this. A good part about this heat is that the Omega will self-lubricate, which means they only need to prep the Omega a bit more have sex. During these heats, the hormones in an Omega go all crazy. A strong scent is released during the heats, causing the Alphas to smell it and chase after the Omega. If there is already an Alpha with that Omega, they will fight the other Alphas off. Some public buildings have small rooms in their basements for any Omegas who suddenly fall into the heat and need help. There are pills to stop the heats from happening and there are washes that help cover the scent up. There is a pad-like item for the male Omegas to help stop the leaking from the lubrication when they are in public. 

How does pregnancy work?

    Pregnancy is about the same as in the real world. For Betas at least. For the Omegas, everything sort of changes and flips their world around especially one who has never had a child before. The male Omegas chest will grow to around an a-cup or b-cup to help feed their child. The Omegas will most likely be happy about having a child. The Alpha will become more and more protective of not just their Omega but also the small child growing inside of the Omega. 

How does birth work?

    For female Omegas and Betas, it works just as real life should. For male Omegas is where it gets complicated. Since their uterus is not in the normal position, there will most likely be a c-section, or Cesarean section.

Where do they mate?

 The Omega build a nest in a closet, room or any place in the house they comfortable with to mate.

What is a nest?
    A nest is usually a place where an Omega can be comfortable, whether if he is in heat or just having a bad day. It can be a closet or a couch, a small room or a bed. It will usually be filled with soft things, the most smelling like his/her mate if they have one. It usually makes them feel comfortable in all times, even if they feel they are about to murder someone. With Omegas being the small fragile creatures they are, it can help them rest. As they get closer to their delivery date or their heat, they will most likely spend more and more time in their nest with their Alpha.

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