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"It is a shame ... she was such a young woman "

" Very tragic indeed. I heard she left behind a child, no more then two months"

"Oh my! Who is going to care for the infant? The Akabane's always work over seas.."

"Maybe they will make and exception, this is a child after all"

"But what did Raruka want?"

"They say she didn't leave a will, and that she never wanted to write one if she had the choice"

"Oh the embarresement, she always was a forgetful soul. I can't believe she was foolish like that. Having a will is important. What a silly girl"

"Not only that, careless too"

"Indeed indeed, she was very careless... It was probably the reason she met her unavoidable demise, children now days have to sense of alertness"

"I heard that she wasn't right in the head anyway"

"Makes sense after all, Akabane's are-"

"Karma? Are you okay?"

Karma's attention was ripped away from the conversations that were echoing around him. A small frown was subconsciously scorched onto his face, but it quickly morphed into one of surprise when he saw that he was crushing a small hand that was inter-laced with his. He lifted the hand he was crushing up to his soft lips and tenderly kissed each finger lightly,as a way of apology, it was making the receiver, who was just stared, look at him with sadness.

"I apologize Nagisa..., I spaced out" Karma's deep voice mumbled into the pale delicate fingers. His thumb stroked his lovers softer and much more slender ones a few times before allowing them to return the their owner. Normally the other would scold Karma for such an act in public but he knew this wasn't the time.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean to" Nagisa stated with a soft comforting tone. Karma rested his head on his lovers shoulder with a blank expression. "Thank you"

The two males were at a funeral home, having just finished witnessing a burial service for one of Karma's cousins, Raruka Akabane.

From what Karma has shared, Nagisa knows that Raruka was really close to Karma when they were younger. She was supposedly a spunky trouble maker who had quiet a mean streak, but she was also one of the most protective and most important people in Karma's life. She's one of the people that made him forget about the fact his parents were never around to love him properly.

In other words, she was there for Karma when he needed her most. To him, she was practically his sister. So when he heard about the harassment and abuse she had suffered because of her 'lover', Karma felt guilty. Even if he won't admit it aloud. And finding all of this out after she was dead only hurt more.

They stopped talking around the time Karma started up highschool, and he hasn't seen her since his wedding with Nagisa two years ago. She looked and acted a bit diffrent but Karma knows that time changes people, so he didn't call her out on anything for the sake of her privacy.

But now he knows that he should have pushed. Maybe if he did... He could have saved her from her bastard of a boyfriend.

Nagisa knew his husband and he could obviously see that Karma took Rarukas death really hard. Throughout the entire funeral he's had an apathetic expression. Others may have found it rude or disrespectful, but Nagisa knows that's just one of his ways of coping with loss. Even if Karma was great at hiding it, Nagisa noticed when Karmas face twitched in agony.

He noticed how when Karma walked over to the closed casket with teary eyes before a single tear slid down his face. Right past the dark circles and bags underneath his red agitated eyes... and down past his trembling lip.

To say he felt pain seeing Karma in this state was an understatement. He felt just as heart broken as his husband. Rarukas was a lovely woman with a fun personality. When Nagisa first met her she gave him a wonderful time.

To think she had to go through such pain was horrible. And now she's dead with the only thing left if her legacy currently being held in the clutches of her 'family memebers'.

So he understands Karma's frustration when listening to the gossip around him from the supposed family who wanted nothing more than to talk ill about the deceased. Hell, it made him want to drop kick every single person in this room...

But instead he only sighed in agitation.

"We can leave if you want to Karma, this whole event is disgraceful to her" he mumbled. Karma only nodded and they both stood up to leave, trying to ignore the growing whispers around them.

As they walked to the door, Nagisa stopped in his tracks and turned around to the room. As he suspected, all eyes where on them. He took a deep breath right before giving them all a forced smile.

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves."

His voice carried silencing everyone and he swiftly exited the building to follow his husband.

In Karma's hand was a phone and he clicked on a number before bringing the device to his ear.

Nagisa gave him a questioning look. Karma responded with a hurt smile. "I'll make sure we take custody of Raruka's kid, I don't trust a single one of those assholes to go near him. But before that, I'm calling a few friends to ensure that asshole gets what he deserves."

"Karma, I know the feeling, but you can't just-"

"Don't worry, I won't kill him" He waved off before his phone clicked. He kept walking now with a look of determination right before speaking.

"Yeah it's me, I need to cash in that one favor. Koichi Hiroshima, I want him locked away"

The blue haired male gave a small shake of the head knowing that he couldn't stop him. Well, why would he? It's not like he thinks what Karma was doing is wrong. And honestly, that wasn't his main concern, he believed in his husband to get things settled.

He was more excited about the newborn they where about to start raising.

"But before you do that I want to exchange words..." He growled and wrapped one arm around Nagisa's waist.

"Also, remember that one judge I have blackmail on? Call him and tell him that I want him running the whole trail. After this he's free to go, so make it count or I'll personally see to it that his life is ruined."

Nagisa just sighed softly and leaned into Karma while he thought about how the next few months were going to be a rollercoaster. But even so, a small smile graced his lips.

They could finally raise the son they've always wanted. And make sure that Raruka's pride and joy lived a filling life.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2021 ⏰

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