Chapter 1: Kyuubi attack

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   It was a quiet night or it was supposed to be now everyone is getting killed left and right. As ninjas young and old try their hardest to save as many as they could and stop the kyuubi, but they were no match. Hope was lost and everything was lost to destruction and in the midst of the chaos two babies are born.
   "Naruto, Naruko, mommy loves u and I wish I could stay with you forever but..but", that was all she could get out with the tears and the blood dripping down her face.
  Everyone rejoiced when their beloved Hokage had defeated the kyuubi. They all gathered their loved ones and though they were saved everything they held dear was gone. They held anger and sadness with only regret. Everything seemed so hopeless for Konohagkure with how they lost so much in such little time, but the two with the biggest burden were just born into the world having everything stolen from them plus having the kyuubi sealed in them.
   No considered the feelings of the Uzumaki twins knowing they were orphans with such a huge responsibility they had no choice in, they only thought of their own feelings, so they used the Uzumaki twins as a way to vent for everything they lost. No one considered two parent less children lost a lot two, but in the end no one cared.
   And that's how their life started being hated for something they didn't know and didn't do. Well for Naruto it did, but for his dear sister it was her second life though he doesn't need to know that now does he.
Naruko's POV

   I don't remember much, but I know for sure I died, my memory is a bit hazy though I know for sure I lived and died and here I am again as a baby.  All I feel now is pain, it hurts to even breath as I hear distant roars and yelling.
  I could hardly see and hear, but I heard her voice as she spoke gasping for air "Naruto, Naruko, mommy loves you and I wish I could stay with you forever but... But". I felt happy knowing I was loved and I held hope for the future as the pain I was feeling subsided. With all my strength I opened my eyes as the image I saw will forever be imprinted into my brain, the image of my mother and father with big bloody holes through their stomachs smiling with tears, seeing this I couldn't stop bawling until I passed out. I may not have knew them, but they still protected me and loved me. Those were my last thoughts until I passed out.

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