Chapter 1: A Chaotic Awakening

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I woke up in my padded cell in my bed to the sounds of alarms going off everywhere and the sounds of gunshots and screaming and the sound of boots or bare feet running up and down the halls of the female ward. Obviously the most sensible thing to do was just remain calm and stay in bed under the covers with the light off and wait till it was over. If it was ever going to end. I don't know, it seemed like the cycle of noise was continuous and eventually it got to my head. Luckily, to my surprise the loudness ceased to continue within 5 minutes and all it was, was just the loud alarms going off and lighting the darkness of the halls red. I climbed out of bed and peeked through my window to see what was happening outside. The floors and walls were covered in blood and innards and I could hardly even contain my own. I couldn't stand the sight of it and ended up vomiting my dinner on the floor. And it was a shame too, I mean, despite the shitty people in this place, whom are most likely all dead by now, the one thing I did like about this place was the food. They fed you pretty well. If you didn't attack anyone that is.

Anyway, I tried opening my cell. It was clear to me that I had to get the fuck out of here before I become psychopath food. But as I jiggled my doorknob I could feel the loud boom of giant footsteps beneath my feet. The vibrations were growing so great I couldn't even keep my own footing beneath myself. I heard a sinister like grumbling and growling voice echo through the hall and the loud clinking and clanking of chains against pants. Panicking, I hid underneath my bed hoping whoever this was would just pass by quickly and I could figure this whole damn thing out on my own. Well, I guess whoever this was ended up doing that for me. Because last thing I knew my door came straight the fuck down. The red light from the hall shot straight into my room and illuminating a good portion of it and allowed me to look at the person who randomly broke into my room. It wasn't  even a person, not even close to being human. Just LOOKING at it was like looking at something that could've crawled straight out of a horror film. After 10 minutes of being trapped he finally walked out and I waited till the sound of his chains faded. I crawled out from underneath my bed and poked my head out into the hall and looked both ways as if I was crossing the street back home.

The hallway was the same as I saw it before. Thinking it would just be an illusion, well, guess I was only lying to myself to make myself feel better I suppose. I left my cell and walked around for awhile in hopes to find an answer as to how this whole place just fell apart within only a few hours. I walked around the 1st floor lobby and found a laptop on and working in good condition as well. I pushed the dead police guard out of the seat so I could sit, maybe relax a little, and find some god damn answers. I clicked around for a little while until I finally hit jackpot when the cameras popped up. I switched from camera to camera looking for a small clue or hint. I clicked around till I came to the final camera. It looked like some room where experimentations were performed. The repeating images on the screen inside the room with a giant geometric shape in it had clarified that these people performed strange sinister hypnotic like experimentations. Maybe this is how this place made money. If that's the case then maybe I was lucky it went to hell in a handbasket within a day. I could've been the next lab rat. As I sat and stared at the screen I began to almost feel sorry and even start crying.

Then from above I saw a man in the second floor hallway that was above the 1st floor. His grubby hands and fingers pressed upon glass. He blew a kiss to me and drew a heart in blood on the window with his index finger and walked away. It was questioning as to whether I should be flattered or not. Either way I was finished looking through all the cameras as the clues in the last one had clarified it enough as to what had happened and how this place turned into a disgusting bloody hell hole that reeked of decomposition. I had stood up and stretched my arms out and took a map of the Asylum from a pocket of a dead cop. I didn't know where to go or start. So instead I marked down all of the fire escapes on the map with a marker from off the desk. I decided to start my journey to the 1st one which was on the second floor. I walked through the computer lab and eventually found a camcorder and 2 batteries on the floor. I grabbed them and plugged both batteries in. I clicked through the controls and luckily found a control that could lead me through the darkness. Although I had to be mindful of it. in the upper right corner I could see the battery draining very quick.

Eventually I found a set of stairs to the second floor and to my luck the door was unlocked. I walked up the stairs and in and out of 2nd floor rooms in the hall to find the fire escape for awhile but then I eventually began to hear the loud whirring of a saw. My heart began pounding like crazy. The psycho with the saw was in the room across from me. I stuffed my map down my shirt and tried to climb into the open vent that hung above me but alas, I was too god damn short and not even the bed could boost me high enough. Then that psycho with a saw started coming at me and I dove between his legs and making my way into the halls that hung over the 1st floor. And incidentally I ran into that bloody heart that the mystery man had drew for me. He must've came back because the next thing I knew I read the message of "will you be mine?" written inside. I blushed. No, No! I had to focus on getting the fuck out of this place...

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