Chapter 3: Hello Darling~♡

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"Have we met before?" Asked Eddie.

"I don't believe so." I replied.

"I apologize if I frightened you." Eddie said as he was approaching me.

   He slowly lifted my chin with his index finger and looked down upon me with a tender smile. Through his bloody blue eyes I could see he wasn't a monster like the others. I could see he just wanted a chance at happiness. By looking at him you could see he fell victim to the sinister experiments have to do with this Morphogenic Engine.

"I've never seen a lady with such delicate lips and doe like eyes as you." Complimented Eddie.

I blushed not knowing what to think of this moment. A sweet tender psycho caressing my face. It only seemed too good to be true that I'd fall in love with a psycho. But perhaps it's because we both have one thing in common. Being misunderstood.

"I know it seems so sudden but, will you marry me?" He asked getting down on 1 knee.

I looked down at him with such shock and whether or not I should say yes. But I nodded quickly without thinking. Either it was because didn't want to be alone like my parents left me, or that this man seemed to be very genuine. And maybe he's my only way out.

"Would you like to see the dress I made you?" Eddie asked.

I nodded in reply.

"Turn around my love." He said.

   I turned around and saw a long gown with a few blood stains here and there but I still thought it to be the most beautiful dress.

"Well, what do you think?" Eddie asked.

"Its perfect. " I replied happily.

     He grinned a sweet sensual grin and unzipped my jumpsuit and undressing me. Embarrassed as I was by the scars on my skin, Eddie didn't seem to care. He did look at my wrists  and legs with disappointment but he seemed to understand. Anyway,  he lifted the gown off the mannequin that most definitely consisted of body parts, he slid it above my head and zipped the zipper in the back.

"You look heavenly darling."

"Do I?" I asked for a 2nd time reassurance.

   He nodded and gently grabbed my chin and gave me a soft passionate kiss on the lips. So warm and sensual, I could feel a sharp buzz in my body.
Was I just ok with this? Sudden last minute marriage? Don't get me wrong! I'm happy, but it's the fact that I don't want to live in here. In this place full of horrible secrets that I have yet to uncover and maybe would rather not.

"Eddie my love, when we are to be wed, have you ever thought about building a life outside of this place?" I asked politely.

"Are you saying you want to leave me?" He asked back a bit angrily.

"N-no! that's not what I mean!" I replied shakingly.

"YOUR JUST LIKE ALL THE OTHERS!!" he roared in anger at me.

     I fell onto the floor scared and crawling into the wall and bracing my arms around my face terrified. Waiting 5 min for him to snap and hurt me had went by. I took my arms away from my eyes and looked up at him standing over me.  A tear had fallen from his blood stained eyes and onto my dress. He fell onto his knees and laid on my chest clenching me tight. I stroked the side of his head as it nestled upon my bosoms. This placed must've really fucked with his head bad. And perhaps his past life did as well.

        As we both sat upon the floor together for a good hour or so, he began to stand up again only taking me with him as he swept me up into his arms bridal style. And how perfect it did truly feel.

"I do want to build a life with you outside my love." Eddie said.

"How will we escape? And where will we go?" I asked.

"Where there's a will there's a way darling. " he answered back.

It wasn't an exact full explanation but
I understood what he was getting at. I gave him another slow passionate kiss before continuing on our adjective of getting out of here.

"Shall we be off then my love?" He asked.

I nodded in agreement and carried me around for a while. But within 5 minutes I could sense something was wrong.  Then all of a sudden the lights went out and both my arms were yanked off of Eddie by what felt like 2 men.

"Darling! Where are you?!" Eddie yelled.

"Over here!! Oh god help me Eddie!!" I screamed.

"I will find you!" I yelled back.

      That was the last I heard of his voice and I blacked out after that. The only conscious part of me was my mind and the thoughts within it. The only thought I focused upon was the end of me.  That perhaps where my physical body is will be the place of my demise. I should've just stayed in my room, maybe if I just slept a little longer I could've escaped by dawn.  There would've been light. Instead I'm surrounded by darkness and it's minions. And there is nothing I can do...

"Ugh, what the hell?" I said as I awakened from my dark state of slumber.

I was about to get up until my limbs jolted back. I tried again and I failed yet again to get up. I looked at my surroundings and my ankles and wrists appeared to be chained down to a table.

"Help!! Oh god help!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

        But alas, nothing but silence. I cried and yanked at my chains letting out painful moans each time as they jolted my limbs back each time. I took a break and laid motionless on the table. I prayed inside my mind that Eddie didn't get hurt. I know I barely know the man but as far as I know he wouldn't hurt me for anything in the world and would love me as much as I love him till the day we die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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