Untitled Part 1

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It was an ordinary day at the 21st District, Adam Ruzek had just come back from furlough. His sister had died in a car accident and now he has custody of his seven-year-old niece, Sophia. His niece's father isn't around so he's the father figure in her life. The young detective had also been keeping her a secret from his team, the only person who knows is Voight.

He checked the time to see 2:15, it was time to go pick his niece up from school and then take her to Med for her appointment with Sarah. Getting up from his desk the young detective walked to his boss's office, he knocked and Hank looked up. The older Sergeant signed for him to enter the office. Adam walked in and closed the door sitting down.

"What's up Adam?" Hank asked.

"I gotta go pick Sophia up from school and take her to Med for her appointment with Dr. Reese". Adam says.

"Alright, I'll cover for you if they ask. How are you guys doing?"

"Ok, I guess. Soph is still having nightmares every night not that I blame her, Dr. Reese thinks she could be having separation anxiety. Every time I take her to school she begs me not to leave her, she wants to come to work with me. I'm not ready to bring her here yet, I don't wanna expose her to this yet".

"I understand, you wanna protect her. There's nothing wrong with that, Adam there's gonna be a time when you're gonna have to tell the others. You know as well as I do, secrets come out eventually".

"I don't know how to tell them, I didn't know how to tell you. I just can't come out and say, 'hey guys how's the case going, oh by the way I now have custody of my seven-year-old niece'

"I'm sure you'll find a way to tell them. Take the rest of the afternoon off, I'll be by you're place later so we can discuss options".

"Thanks, boss".

"You're welcome, go on before you're late".

Adam nodded and left his boss's office, he went to grab his jacket and keys and left. Everyone was confused about why he was leaving.

"Where's he going?" Jay asked.

"Not a clue". Antonio replies.

"Don't worry about where Ruzek is going, it's personal. Just get back to work". Hank tells everyone.

They did as their boss told them, Alvin looked at his friend he knew that Hank was covering for Ruzek. He just didn't know why. Getting up from his desk he went to his friend's office and closed the door. Hank looked up to see his friend.

"What's up Al?" Hank asked.

"What's going on with Ruzek? Is he in trouble?" Alvin replies.

"He's not in trouble he told me he had something to take care of, it's personal".

"Hank what's really going on, he's been on furlough for almost a month, he's depressed every time he's here, and he goes somewhere every day at this exact time. Whatever it is you can tell me".

The older Sergeant sighed sadly. "Adam's sister died in a car accident, a drunk driver hit her dead on they pronounced her at Med. His niece, Sophia was with her mother that day. He's been taking care of her since Emma died. Adam asked me not to tell you all, he wanted to do it. He just doesn't wanna expose her to all this and I agree with him, he's doing everything to protect her. He'll tell the others eventually, he doesn't know how to tell them. The kid barely knew how to tell me, don't be mad at him Al he had to protect his family".

"I understand man, I ain't mad at the kid. We would have done the same thing".

"I'm heading by there later, wanna tag along?"

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