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i think i broke a world record for going the longest without updating tehe


Finns Pov

I wake up and Millie is curled up close to me. Her head is in my chest. I get up, trying not to wake her up, but fail.

She tiredly opens her eyes and smiles. "Goodmorning." I say quietly and her smile fades as she becomes more awake, realizing why she's here.

I'm never going to be able to forgive myself.

"Are you hungry?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Do you want to go home?" I ask and she shakes her head again. She puts her head down on the pillow and lays there.

"Is there anything I can get you?" I ask and she shakes her head again. "Are you just going to lay here all day?" I ask and she shakes her head.

I look at the clock on my wall and see that it's 12. I look at Millie who has her eyes closed. "You have to eat something." I say and she nods. "Do you want Starbucks?" I ask and she nods.

"Come with me." I say and she shakes her head. "Millie you cant lay there all day I won't let you." I say and she slowly gets up. She puts on her shoes and jacket and I put on my shoes. We walk downstairs and out the door.

We drive to Starbucks and once we get there we get out of my car. She holds my hand as we walk. She looks around, scared. And it's all my fault.

"Text me your order so I can order." I say and she grabs her phone and starts typing. I order my drink and look at the text Millie sent as I read it out loud to the cashier.

We walk over to a table and sit down. "So, there's probably no point in asking you, cause you're probably going to say no, but Jack and I are going Christmas shopping-" She shakes her head before I finish. I grab my phone to tell Jack I'm not going then.

I see a text pop up form Millie. Millie: are you leaving me alone then?

I look up at her and shake my head. She starts typing again. Millie: So you're not christmas shopping?

I shake my head again. "I wouldn't leave you alone." I say and she thinks for a second, then starts typing. My phone buzzes again. Millie: then i'll go

"Are you sure?" I ask and she nods as she's typing again. Millie: if you promise to not leave me

I smile and look at her. "I wouldn't leave you." She slightly smiles. "I'm picking Jack up at 1." I say and she nods.

"Finn?" I hear my name and see our drinks are ready. I get up and grab them and give Millie hers. "Let's go." I say and she gets up. I drive us back to my house. My mom is at work and Brooklyn is at her friends house.

"Do you want to go home and get clothes?" I ask and she shakes her head. "They're probably worried about you." I say and she shakes her head again. "I mean, maybe you'd fit into my mom's clothes." I say and she nods.

I lead her out of my room and down the hallway into my moms room. She opens the dresser and finds leggings and a black and red flannel. We go back into my room and she goes into the bathroom to change. She comes back out and smiles, holding up her arms with the sleeves being a tad too long.

I roll them up and she puts on her shoes and walk downstairs. I grab my car keys and we go out to my car. I drive to the mall and find Jack. I park my car and we all walk in.

"If you see anything you like, tell me." I say and she looks at me. "I need to know what to get you for Christmas." I say and she shakes her head. She turns on her phone and starts typing. My phone buzzes and I look at the text.

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