Chapter 1 - An Epiphany

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Kokoro, Hagumi, Kanon, Kaoru and Michelle were ready to go.
They skipped on to the stage, each wearing a huge grin.

All the children loved Michelle.
All the fans loved Kokoro.
And of course, all the fangirls loved Kaoru.

One 'fleeting kitten' in particular was screaming her voice out as Kaoru entered. That was Himari, an intense fangirl of Kaoru's.

"Hello, my princesses~." Kaoru winked, causing all the girls to scream.

"HELLO MY FLEETING PRINCE~~~!" Himari screamed back.

"Okay everyone! Let's make the world smile!" Kokoro beamed.

They began playing, and Himari was watching Kaoru's every move. Every stroke of her guitar, every move of her wrist, every kiss to the audience... Himari took her all in.

Once the concert was finished, Himari could not get Kaoru off her mind. Everything about her just made Himari all fluttery inside.

"Ah... Kaoru-Senpai was so cool..." Himari checked her phone, admiring the homescreen: Kaoru. Both of their bands had played a live together, so she had managed to sneak a quick picture. "Although... she does remind me of someone... I just can't remember who..."

Himari then realised the time on her homescreen.

"Oh no! I forgot I had practice!"

She dashed off down the road, hoping to still make it in time.

10 minutes later, she burst through the doors of CiRCLE, panting and gasping for breath.

"Sorry... guys!" She said between breaths. "I... forgot..."

"It's not like the band leader to forget~." Moca teased. "'Specially 'cause you kept nagging us to arrive on time~."

"Moca!" Tomoe defended. She was very touchy about what was said to Himari.

"Well, Moca does have a point." Ran admitted. Moca winked at her, and Ran rolled her eyes in response. "What were you doing anyway?"

"Y-you don't need to tell us if you don't want to Himari!" Tsugumi added. Everyone smiled at her thoughtfulness.

"Well... I was at a concert..." Himari started.

"Ooohh~" Moca said.

"... A 'Hello, Happy World!' one to be exact..."

"Oooooohhhh~~" Moca said.

"And I saw Kaoru onstage..."

"OOooooooohhhh~~~" Moca said.

"Moca, shh!" Tomoe nudged her. "Go on Himari."

"And she was so cool! She gave me goosebumps! Honestly she's so talented and amazing and 'fleeting' ehehehe I just think she's awesome and so cool like wow I love her she's so cool!"

The rest of Afterglow stared blankly at her. Himari blushed as she just realised all of what she had said. She had gone into:
Complete fangirl mode.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it Himari!" Tsugumi smiled.

"Shall we start practice now?" Ran asked.

"Hai~!" Everyone answered.

Practice was fun, and was over before anyone knew it.

"Uugh..." Himari sighed. "I STILL can't get this bit right!"

"I would stay and help you, but Moca and I are going to a ramen restaurant together." Ran said.

"And I have to help out with my parents' coffee shop! Sorry Himari!" Tsugumi said sadly.

"I'll help you Himari!" Tomoe stood up from her drum kit.

"Really? Awe, thank you Tomoe!" Himari beamed.

"Cya tomorrow Hii-chan~. Moca-chan has a hot date~." Moca giggled.

"Moca, will you stop...?" Ran mumbled, a red tint creeping up her face. She, Moca and Tsugumi left the building.

Only Tomoe and Himari were left practicing.

Himari approached her best friend and hugged her from behind her drum kit.

"Aaww, Tomoe, you're the bestest! Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Haha, it's no problem Himari." Tomoe replied. She admired Himari's glowing smile, and her heart smiled with it.

Himari had always been there for her, and Tomoe loved her for that. But ever since Himari's rant about Kaoru, it made Tomoe feel something... a little different. Maybe she was just tired? That must have been it. Although... whenever she saw Himari... the feeling she got...

"Well, let's practice together!" Himari beamed. "Can you count us in?"

"O-Okay! 1, 2, 3, 4!"

She adored playing music together with Himari. The way Himari carried herself, her stage energy, her figure... Tomoe's mind was getting a little distracted.

"Snap out of it Tomoe..." Tomoe muttered to herself.

She had found herself thinking a lot about Himari lately, and it drove her crazy. Since the Girls Band Party they all had together... Tomoe tried to pinpoint exactly when these feelings took over. When Hello, Happy World showed up... when Himari met Kaoru...

It was only when Himari stopped playing that Tomoe realised she had completely zoned out.

"O~i! Tomoe?" Himari skipped up to Tomoe. "Are you alright? Your playing was a bit too quick."

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine! Let's keep practicing." Tomoe replied.

The rest of the rehersal was mostly Tomoe spacing out. She was trying to think of anything other than Himari, but it was no use.

"Tomoe..." Himari approached her bestest pal. "Thank you~."

"I haven't done anything Himari."

Apart from think of you, Tomoe thought.

"Don't be silly~. You've been the bestest friend ever!"

Tomoe knew that was supposed to be a compliment, but the words kind of stung. Friend? Only just a friend...?

"T-thanks, Himari." Tomoe tried to ignore the fact that she had been friendzoned. "I'm glad you've had a good day today, seeing Kaoru and stuff. It makes me happy when you're happy."

"Hehehe, awe Tomoe~" Himari gave Tomoe a big hug. Her embrace was very comforting, and the feel of her figure against Tomoe's made Tomoe feel tingly and warm.

"Anyway, time to get going! Bye Himari!" Tomoe waved. She then trudged down the pavement, deep in thought.

If Himari likes Kaoru so much, then why don't I act like Kaoru? That way, I could finally get with her... Tomoe thought. She then realised what a gem of an idea that was.

She ran back home, inspiration bouncing in her brain. She bounded through the door.

"Ako! Ako!" Tomoe came to halt in the living room. Ako was playing video games on the sofa.

"Onee-Chan! What's up?" Ako grinned.

"How do I become 'fleeting'?"

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