Chapter five: The truth

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Chapter song: Dj Khaled ft Demi lovato i believe

Some people stand some people move
Tough times don't last but tough people do
As along as you've got hope you'll find your way.
There's power in the thoughts that you.
There's power in the words you say
Like i can i can
I will i will
I am i am no fear no fear

Today i saw a rainbow in the rain
It told me i can do anything
If i believe i believe i believe in me
I believe i believe in me

Ouuuu ouuuu yeah

I got the life inside of me and I've got no choice but to let it breathe
As along as there is love i can make it
anywhere i go.
If i follow my dreams I'll end building a yellow brick road
I can i can
I will i will
I am i am no fear no fear


Lisa Vanderpump's POV

The past few days went by fast and smoothly. I got to know Abby, Lena, Jena, Jacob and Xavier better and Teddi. My days went with me not seeing my father and my siblings and my ex mate. Which is great they must be busy with pack work seeing as the Alpha's meeting and the mating ball was in 3 days. Jacob, Lena and i spent time training together. They all suggested i should at least know how to fight in human form and build stamina. The girls helped me do my pack chores every day so i could finish quickly and spend some time with them.

I was now standing in a fitting room with four dresses in my hand. I was dragged shopping by Abby and Jena. Apparently i need a dress for the mating Ceremony as Abby says you need to show that dick of a mate what he's missing out on. Lena decided to stay behind with Jacob. Xavier came with. I'm glad Lena stayed behind. I've been hawking her time with her mate.

As i put on the red dress i look in the mirror and i look beautiful i hope Abby and Jena like it cause I've tried on about 8 dresses and they said no. I'm tired and hungry. I exit the dressing room and Abby's eyes widen.

"This is the one" Jena says. "Finally" i sigh in relief.

"Can we go eat now "whines Xavier

"Let's go eat, you big baby" Lena says pulling Xavier towards the exit.

"You call me a big baby now, that's not what i recall you calling me yesterday now was it" Xavier says a bit to loudly.

"Ewww please keep your private bedroom moments there, please" Abby says scrunching up her nose in disgust.

I've grown really close to these wolves. But I'm still cautious.

We enter the food court and Abby orders for us.

She knew i would've said i was full even though I'm hungry. I haven't told them this but i haven't eaten for a week.

I see the waiter is a pack warrior. Well I'm screwed it's only a matter of time before my dad finds out i ate. I try to hide my nervousness as best as i could. Abby goes on about how she wants to meet her mate already. She's always traveling with two mated couples she's had enough.

I'm sad Jason rejected me, a part of always knew he'd reject me. When i got my wolf i had hope that maybe. Just maybe I'd be accepted by my parents my siblings the pack and then finally my mate. But he rejected me for  before he even got to know me.

Now I'm that wolfless girl again. An abomination as the pack would put it. I carry on eating. 

A few minutes later. We finish eating and head back to Abby's place.

I immediately sit down. " They've worn you out haven't they" Lena asks taking a seat next to me. " Never again" i mumble. Lena bursts out laughing "Why do you think i stayed behind" Lena asks smiling at me.

"Way to throw me to the wolves girl" i say pretending to be hurt.

"Urgh i can't stand being in this pack anymore, any update from the council. " Jena says entering the living room with everyone else behind her.

" Oh Lisa i thought you left" Jena says looking like a child whose been caught stealing candy.

"We should probably tell Lisa the truth" Teddi suggests.

They all take a seat.

"Lisa listen we're not here to join the pack but to investigate it, we are from the council pack. My brother is Lord Dimitri of the Royal council, he's also Abigail's father" Teddi says looking anywhere but at me.

"We are here to keep a close eye on your father, We have reasons to believe that your father and Alpha Willam of the Red Axel pack are trying to overrthrow our reigning King, King Damien Arthur Romanov. They are trying to overrthrow a Lycan. The king can slaughter an entire pack on his own " Teddi continues telling me.  I gasp.

"Chancellor Dimitri is trying to stop bloodbath cause the throne is the kings birthright and he will fight for it that i can guarantee you" Jacob cuts in.

"It seems your father is recruiting Rogues to help him with his plan." Teddi tells me.

I just nod dumbfounded. Not really sure what to say or feel about this situation. I mean i knew my dad is a horrible person. But to try and overthrow a king and conspire with Rogues that's treason against the entire werewolf community.

"I should get going" i tell them.

They all nod understanding.

I walk to the pack house. Thinking about what i learned.

I walk silently. I enter the pack house and i see my parents are sitting in the living room.

"Where have you been?" My dad asks.

"I I was just at the library" i stutter.

"Why don't i believe you Annalisa" my father says walking towards me.

"Are you supposed to be doing pack chores" my dad asks also walking towards me as well.

Oh no I'm gonna get it today.

My mom pulls my hair

"You answer your Alpha when he speaks to you" my mom sneers.

"I'm do don done with m-m-my cho-chores for the day" i say crying out in pain.

"You are done when i say you are done" my father says and kicks my ribs.

My mom pushes me to the wall. I scream.

She slaps me across the face. My father keeps kicking me. I don't know why they hate me so much.

"Wh-wha-why do yo-uuu-you hate me so much?" I ask them.

My mom pulls me by my hair and she says "Because you're not my daughter"

I whimper in pain.


Hey beautiful people.

I would like to say thank you to those who have voted you guys inspire me to keep writing.

I know the grammar is bad. I will edit this book but my main aim is to finish it before writing. Please I'd like to improve my writing so if there's something you don't like please let me know.

Please do vote and comment.

Until the next chapter.


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